Experience with Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture ( YNSA ) in Rehabilitation in Hungary

G. Hegyi
Yamamoto Rehabilitation Institute, Department of Complimentary Medicine, Imre Haynal University of Health Sciences, Budapest, Hungary


The Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture ( YNSA ) system can be applied as a pain eliminating device in general practice, but also has a significant role in medical rehabilitation.


In the last 10 years the YNSA method was used in 3450 cases of handicapped children with spastic muscle tone and mental disorders as well as stroke patients with residual symptoms. In this controlled study, results of 35 spastic children and of 25 hemiparetic stroke patients have been analysed. In order to avoid frequent needle insertions, a unique technique of absorbeable monofilament acupuncture was developed.


In the spastic children group, a significant improvement in their post-treatment condition was observed, mostly in mental vigility, spascicity, symmetrical and asymmetrical tone distribution.

In the stroke group, a significant improvement has been found in the patients movement-co-ordination, gait efficacy, self-support and overall mental state. The method proved to be safe, as no side effects, including suppuration of filaments, have been found.


Long-term follow-up of patients treated with YNSA method showed significant improvement in spastic children and stroke patients. In addition, the newly developed YNSA method proved to be covenient and safe for our patients.