Effects of venesection at the sybsun-points on blood pressure and body temperature in stroke patients

Lee Gjin, J. Eunjeong, K. Junkwon,K. Bonsoo, K, Youngsuk
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea

Backgrounds and Purpose

Sybsun-points are located at the tips of all fingers, 0.1chi on from the finger nails, totaling to 10 points on both hands. These points have been used for emergency care, fainting, epilepsy, cerebrovascular accidents, hypertension, unconsciousness, high fever etc. Most common technique is bleeding with the needle at these points. Hypertension and fever is the main factor for stroke patients progress. We investigated whether venesection at Sybsun-points has effects on blood pressure and body temperature in stroke patients.

Material and Methods

79 stroke patients were enrolled in this study during 1 Jan. 1999 and 30 Sep. 1999. All of them were admitted in Kyunghee university, hospital of oriental medicine. Among them 62 patients were hypertensive people, 17 were normal. Among the hypertensive patients, stage 1 were 27, stage 2 were 20, stage 3 were 15 by classification of JNC 1997. All of the hypertensive patients had been taken drugs and normal group didn’t. From 2pm to 3pm, every 30 minutes we checked patients blood pressure and body temperature by 24ABPM and tympanic thermometer. After 30 minutes passed, we phlebotomized patients Sybsun-points with Samneung needle 2-3cc of blood. Right after the bleeding, we checked blood pressure and body temperature. After the bleeding, every 30minutes we checked blood pressure and body temperature for 3 times. We compared the blood pressure and the body temperature before and after treatment (p<0.05).


Venesection at Sybsun-points significantly decreased systolic blood pressure on stage 3 hypertensive patients (p<0.01).

Venesection at Sybsun-points significantly decreased diastolic blood pressure on stage 3 hypertensive patients(p<0.05)

Venesection at Sybsun-points has no effects on the change of body temperature.


We think Venesection at Sybsun-points has decreasing effect of hypertension in stroke patients. Further study is needed on the amount of blood and more patients.