ICMART Congress Accreditation Standard – ICMART-CAS

Dear Colleagues,
In the recent years an increasing number of Medical Acupuncture Congresses are being held around the world.
The scientific level of these events varies so ICMART recognizes the need of a common accreditation system for Medical Acupuncture scientific events worldwide.
In order to secure advanced scientific level, novice evidence based and integrative medicine quality ICMART sets the standards and provides an accreditation system for its members and their scientific events.
Continuous learning is a necessity in medicine. But only quality, promotes knowledge. ICMART wishes to promote both.

On behalf of the Accreditation Chapter

Konstantina Theodoratou, Chairperson


Description of the Scientific Event
 The event should be organized by a medical Acupuncture Association, member of ICMART and should at least include lectures, workshops and/or other educational sessions. The duration cannot be less than one day.
Contact Person
 The contact person will apply for the accreditation and should be a doctor practicing acupuncture and registered both at the local medical association and the medical acupuncture association. He will be the person responsible for the contact with ICMART accreditation office and should provide his/hers name, title and contact details.
The Scientific and/or Organizing Committee
 The contact must provide the name(s), title(s) and contact details of the Chair, and all other members of the Scientific and/or Organizing Committee.
The Program
 The latest version of the program must be provided. It should include the names, the titles and the duration of lectures, workshops and sessions.
Promotional material
 The contact person must confirm that it will comply with the national rules and standards regarding exhibition areas where companies will present their products.
Evaluation form
 The contact person should send to ICMART accreditation office the results of the completed forms within a month of the end of the event.
Required Application Forms
 The contact person should fill out the following  in English:
1. Congress Accreditation Form with attached application letter and recent program



    Contact Person

    Chair of the Scientific and/or Organizing Committee

    Members of the Scientific and/or Organizing Committee

    The applicant states that, to their best knowledge, there are no potential conflicts of interest. The event scheduled is of purely scientific nature.



    Chairman Form (further down in the accreditation page)

    Conflict Of Interest Form (further down in the accreditation page)

    2. Chairman Statement Form

      3. Conflict Of Interest Form

        As per the “Accreditation of Congresses on Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques” published by ICMART, any declaration regarding any possible or existing conflict of interest – which could be owed to any financial and/or other relationship between the conflicting parties – should be brought forward to ICMART, upon the submission of the relevant application. All relevant statements should also be available for reference, either printed or on the organiser’s website. The statements should include any information regarding fees, honorariums or expense compensation applicable to the LEE.


        Type of affiliation / financial interest

        The application forms  should be sent three months before the event and will be reviewed by the ICMART Accreditation Office within 10 days.
        The fee should be paid, in full, three months prior to the scheduled date on which the event is held.
        The fee is EUR 150 per event day. For 3 or more event days the fee is fixed at 450 EUR.