Dr. R. Avagyan – M.D., Dr. M. Teppone – M.D., Dr. S. Vesnin – M.D., Dr. N. Tikhomirova – M.D.
“Acu Vision” is a new device developed for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose. It combines effects of air-ion therapy and electropuncture.
The grounded biological object (man, animal, plant, fruit) is placed into the electrostatic field created by a highvoltage corona discharge. Minimum electrical resistance points are the places on the skin surface where air-ions are absorbed. In this case effects of air-ion puncture are realized.
For diagnostic purpose object must be covered by a thin dielectric layer (a paper, cotton fabric, polyester film, etc.). Electrostatic field intensity is maximum at the points of minimum skin resistance and exactly at these points luminescence originates as a result of transformation of corona discharge into spark discharge. The luminescence brightness and duration are diagnostic criteria. The suggested diagnostic method allows to estimate the functional state of analyzed biological object using corporal (meridian and extraordinary) points as well as points of various micro-systems (ear, nose, palm, sole, etc.). At the same time electro-puncture effects are realized.
The complex (“Acu Vision” – CCD – interface – PC) and special software provides automatic differential diagnostic based on both TCM syndrome and modern nosological approach.
“RTM-O1” medical radiothermograph consists of the infrared sensor andmicrowave radiometers with the special sofware and PC. It has been developed for the early detection of internal organs diseases. The detection of various pathology is conducted by measuring intensity of natural electromagnetic radiation from the patients’ internal tissues at microwave range and from the skin at the infrared range. This radiation intensity is proportional to the temperature of tissues. The depth of the internal thermal detection is from 3 to 7 cm. As the changes in the tissues temperature precede the structural changes, RTM1-01 radiothermograph can be used to diagnose diseases at the early stage.
Temperature field distribution of the patients suffering from the exact disease and organs should be compared with the same parameters of the healthy person. The typical diagnostic criteria characterized for the analyzed disease and organ are revealed and displayed as a 2-D diagram. It resulted in the compact zones called “risk areas”. If patient’s RTM-features are located within the “risk areas”, software gives a message that this patient has the exact disease. Reliability of this conclusion has to increase as data are being collected.
The clinical trial conducted among more than 2400 women has shown that radiometric techniques with computer diagnostics ensure high efficiency for the diagnosis of the breast cancer (the detection of breast cancer is above 90%).
One may also apply RTM-01 to control the efficiency of any kind of therapy, including acupuncture and EHF-puncture. During these methods of treatment temperature changes on the skin surface and inside the body correlates with the arrival of Qi phenomenon and helps a doctor to optimize the treatment regimen.
Due to the absolute harmlessness of this examination it can be applied many times without any danger.
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