Doctor Chzuhu Lili
Sen-Ya-Chgu Chinese Centre of Medicine, Moscow , Russia
It is generally known that psora is very complicated disease which is difficult to cure. Up to now psora etymolodgy is still not clear, and there are rather many teoretical suppositions indicative of the situation. This disease was known in China three tousand years ago.
There exist quite many treatment means in the Chinese traditional medicine. They have their own conception explaining the causes and course of the disease, they have made up their classification of clinical-development forms, such as vulgaris, arthritic, hyperaemia and skin ulcer.
We have used complex therapy which consists of: blood-letting from the points of acu-puncture: corporal acupuncture along the points of the channels VB, V, RP, E, GI, depending on the aetiology pathogenesis which the limits of the Chinese medicine and localisation process; auricular therapy; fundless acupuncture (meikhua-chzhen); moksa and fumigation which special worm wood (absinth) cigarettes. The number of treatment visits is from 7 to 15. Sixty one patient, aged 16 to 65, have been under our control the periods of illness up to 15 years. Strongly masked clinical improvement (full disappearance of skin symptoms) has been with 52 patients (82.5%). The highest effect has hear achieved during exaceriation. In some cases remission has haer marced during a year and a half.