The effect of Qigong practice.

Demidoff S.

Presentation of the head of Latvian branch of International Qigong Academy, head of Qigong department of Latvian Association of Holistic Medicine and Nature healing, Sergey Demidov. The program includes presentation, demonstration of resources and potential of Qigong, and for those willing to participate – an opportunity for some Qigong practice.

Qigong can be applied in many different areas of human activity. But by convention, we can define several following categories:

1. Qigong for rebuilding strength, health and wellbeing, for strengthening immune system, reducing tiredness, raising ability to work and overall functioning of human organism. It helps to get rid of harmful habits, improve body structure and figure, functioning of spine and other parts of musculoskeletal system, sleep, vision, and hearing, also slowing down body ageing process.

2. Medical Qigong, as support measure in targeted treatment of complex system diseases, chronic conditions and slowly progressing malfunctions, in hospital are or at home. Presumes study of contact and distance methods for diagnostics and treatment.

3. Qigong for restoring emotional balance, prevention of phobias, depression, neurosis, psychosis, subdued state of mind. Preparation for working in extreme conditions.

4. Qigong for considerable improvement of results in many sports, especially where is important requirement for strength, endurance, willpower, precise coordination and speed of movement, fast reaction speed, dexterity, control over large number of moving objects, and finding non-standard solutions. Development of extraordinary abilities that can be used in different activities and schools of martial arts.

5. Qigong for raising effectiveness of learning and discipline, moral attributes, developing mental abilities, memory, thinking, creativity, increasing success rate at school and developing self-control.

6. Developing inner attractiveness and charm. For business executives, study of rational thinking and methods for increasing intuitive foresight, diagnostics and predicting success of operations, contracts, partnership agreements and selection of personnel.

7. Qigong for the whole family. Methods for increasing relationships in the family, raising chances of conception and birth of a healthy child (not rare are occasions, when couple start practicing Qigong together, and mothers continue even up to 8th month of pregnancy). Methods for men and women for increasing libido and potency. Taoist techniques for emotional reloading, achieving pleasure and spiritual practice.