Obesity is an increasing problem in the world. It is associated with many diseases, Acupuncture has been reported to induce weight loss and also shown to increase excitability of the satiety center in obese patients.
This study was conducted to examine patients’ experiences with acupuncture for weight reduction.
Evaluate the the Effectiveness of Acupuncture as an adjunct to weight management
36 patients from the weight management clinic, diabetic center and other departments of SGH have undergone the same acupuncture treatment. All patients have completed 10 sessions at a frequency of three 30-minute sessions per week.
24 female and 12 male (75% Chinese, 8.3% Indian and 16.7% Malay) patients with mean age of 45 years (25-64 years).The mean pre-treatment weight and BMI values were 90.1± 21.5 kg and 34.5 ± 7.3 respectively. The mean weight and BMI achieved at the time of 10 sessions completion were 86.3 ± 20.6 kg and 33.0 ± 7.1.
After the treatment the mean weight loss was 3.8± 4.1kg (P=0.000), and the mean BMI loss was 1.5±1.5 (P=0.000).
Over 60% of patients reported that the acupuncture can reduce craving for food and all felt fuller with smaller meal portions.
Acupuncture has been shown to increase excitability of the satiety center. Our study has showed acupuncture was effective in loss weight and BMI (P=0,000).
The role of acupuncture in weight management remains controversial in the absence of blinded randomized controlled trials involving unbiased subjects.
Acupuncture whether can increased gastric smooth muscle tone and appetite suppression it is need advance research approval.