As our ICMART Congress 2020 had to be postponed due to Corona, we offer to all our members a webinar instead.
Opening: Hedi Luxenburger ICMART President, Chin Chan ICMART General Secretary
Moderator: Konstantina Theodoratou ICMART P.President
Auricular anatomy and Stimulation Zones: Occult Neural Networks
Yucuf Ozgur Cakmak, New Zealand
2.Clinical application of Korean style acupuncture
Dongwoo Nam, Korea
- Acupuncture and Covid-19
Chin Chan, Australia
- Pandemic emotions and acupuncture
Konstantina Theodoratou, Greece
- From the Treasure Box Of Dry Needling
Dominik Irnich, Germany
Break – 10min Taiji – Carlo Moiraghi, Italy
Medical Acupuncture Oncology
Jun Mao, USA
- Luo points in oncology medical acupuncture
Paola Poli and Carlo Moiraghi, Italy
- Treatment Strategies used for Immediate Pain Relief in Urgent Care Setting
Marcia Yamamura, Brazil
- Acupuncture Mechanisms in the Gastrointestinal System.– AcuPoints specificity and TCM Pattern Discriminantion
Francisco Lozano, Mexico
- ICMART accreditation system
Silvia Elenkova, Bulgaria
- Measuring and influencing the ANS with MA and RT
Siddharta Popat, Germany
- Points and Meridians by George Soulié de Morant
Patrick Sautreuil, France
Closing – ICMART President