
How to become a Member of ICMART

Argentina Sociedad Argentina de Acupuntura Argentinian Society of Acupunture www.saacupuntura.com.ar
Australia Australian Medical Acupuncture College Australian Medical Acupuncture College www.amac.org.au
Austria Österreichische Gesellschaft für Akupunktur Austrian Acupuncture Society www.akupunktur.at
Austria Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung Austrian Medical Society for Neuraltherapy https://neuraltherapie.at/
Austria Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ganzheitliche Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde,
CAM (Complementary-alternative-medicine) in Dentistry
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ganzheitliche Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde,
CAM (Complementary-alternative-medicine) in Dentistry
Belgium Belgische Verenigung der Geneesheren Acupuncturisten Belgian Association of MD-Acupuncturists www.acupuncture.be
Brazil Colegio Medico de Acupuntura Brasilia-CMA Medical College of Acupuncture of the federal district CMA  genschow@icloud.com
Bulgaria БЪЛГАРСКО ДРУЖЕСТВО ПО ТРАДИЦИОННА КИТАЙСКА МЕДИЦИНА / БДТКМ / Bulgarian Society of Traditional Chinese Medicne bstcm.net/
Canada Prof. Ken Trinh Prof. Ken Trinh trinhk@mcmaster.ca observer member
Colombia Asociación Colombiana de Acupuntura y moxibustion Colombian Acupuncture and Moxibustion association www.asomcolam.com
Croatia Hrvatsko društvo za akupunkturu Croatian Acupuncture Association www.akupunktura.hr
Cyprus ΠAΓΚΥΠΡΙA IATPIKH ETAIΡEιA BEΛΟΝIΣΜΟΥ Pancyprian Medical Society of Acupuncture http://www.cyprusacupuncture.com/
Czech Republic Česká lékařská akupunkturistická společnost ČLS JEP Czech medical society for acupuncture of the Czech medical association of J.E. Purkyne akupunktura.cz/
Denmark Dansk Selskab for Evidensbaseret Akupunktur Danish Society of Evidense based Acupuncture http://dsea.dk/
Ecuador Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Acupuntura y Moxcibustiob Ecuatorian Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Estonia Eesti Akupunktuuri Assotsiatsioon Estonian Acupuncture Association www.akupunktuur.ee
Finland Suomen Lääkäreiden Akupunktioyhdistys ry Finnish Medical, Acupuncture Society suomenlaakareidenakupunktioyhdistys.com/
France Acupuncture Auriculaire Sans Frontieres Acupuncture Auriculaire Sans Frontieres

Fédération des Acupuncteurs pour la FORmation MEdicale Continue

French Medical Acupuncturist Federation for Continuous Medical Training www.acupuncture-medic.fr/faformec/
Germany Deutsche Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur e.V. German Medical Acupuncture Assosiation www.daegfa.de
Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akupunktur und Neuraltherapie German Association of Acupuncture and Neuraltherapy www.dgfan.de
Germany Internationale Gesellschaft für Chinesische Medizin e.V. International Society for Chinese Medicine www.tcm.edu
Greece ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ NEURAL THERAPY ΚΑΙ ΜΕΛΕΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΜΟΙΟΣΤΑΣΗΣ Hellenic Society of Neural Therapy and Study of Homeostasis www.neuraltherapy.gr
Greece Εκπαιδευτικό Ινστιτούτο Βελονισμού Ελλάδας Medical Acupuncture Society of Northern Greece www.acupuncture.gr
Greece Hellenic Medical Acupuncture Society Hellenic Medical Acupuncture Society www.mediacus.gr
Greece Panhellenic Medical Acupuncture Society Panhellenic Medical Acupuncture Society
Greece Επιστημονικός Σύλλογος Ιατρών Βελονισμού Ελλάδας Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece www.samag.gr
Greece Ελληνική Ιατρική Εταιρεία Ωτοβελονισμού Hellenic Medical Society of Auricular Acupuncture auricular-acupuncture.com
Hungary Magyar Akupunktúrás Orvosok Társasága Hungarian Medical Acupuncture Association Budapest www.maot.hu
India Indian Society of Medical Acupuncture Indian Society of Medical Acupuncture www.isma.co.in/
Indonesia Perhimpunan Dokter Akupunktur medik Indonesia IndonesiaAssociation of Medical Acupuncture www.hidami-official.com
Italy Federazione Italiana delle Società di Agopuntura Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societes www.agopuntura-fisa.it
Italy Research Institute in Clinical Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Psychotherapy and Anti Aging Medicine Research Institute in Clinical Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Psychotherapy and Anti Aging Medicine www.researchinstitute.it/
Italy Agopuntura nel Mondo. Acupuncture in the World www.agopunturanelmondo.com
Italy Association for Research and Scientific Improvement Association for Research and Scientific Improvement
Italy Italian Association of Manual Medicine and Neuroreflexotherapy Italian Association of Manual Medicine and Neuroreflexotherapy
Italy Associazione Lombarda Medici Agopuntori Lombard Association of Medical Acupuncturists www.agopuntura-alma.it
Italy Associazione Medici Agopuntori Bolognesi Association Medical Acupuncturists of Bologna www.amabonline.it
Italy Associazione Medica Italiana Agopuntura Didattica no data
Italy Gruppo di Studio sull’Agopuntura e le Terapie Naturali Study Group Acupuncture and Natural Therapies – Sardinia ( Italy) www.agopunturainsardegna.it
Italy Societa Italiana di Agopuntura Italian Society of Acupuncture www.sia-mtc.it
Italy Associazione culturale, “Alberto Nirchio” no data www.agopunturapuglia.com/
Italy Centro Studi e Centro Medico So-Wen no data www.sowen.it/
Latvia Holistiskās Medicīnas un Naturopātijas asociācija Latvian Association for Medical Acupuncture & Related Techniques www.Akupunktura.lv
Lithuania Lietuvos akupunktūros gydytojų asociacija Lithuanian Association of Acupuncture Doctors Facebook group
Korea South The Society of Korean Medicine www.skom.or.kr
Luxembourg Luxemburg Medical Association of Acupuncture Luxemburg Medical Association of Acupuncture www.acupuncture.lu
Mexico Mexican College of Medical Acupuncture Specialists Mexican College of Medical Acupuncture Specialists www.colegiomexicanodeacupuntura.com
The Netherlands Nederlandse Artsen Acupunctuur Vereniging Dutch Medical Acupuncture Association www.naav.nl
The Netherlands Wetenschappelijke Artsen Vereniging Voor Acupunctuur In Nederland Association for the Scientific Medical Doctors in Acupuncture in the Netherlands www.wavan.nl
Paraguay Sociedad Médica Paraguaya de Acupunturiatría Medical Paraguayan Society of Acupuncturists
Portugal Sociedade Portuguesa Médica de Acupunctura Medical Acupuncture Society of Portugal www.spma.pt
Romania Asociatia Transilvana de Medicina Integrata Si Cuantica Transsylvanian Association of Integrated Quantum Medicine
Slovakia Spoločnosti akupunktúry oz -SLS Slovakian Acupuncture Association of SLS akupunktura-sls.sk/
Slovenia Slovenian Medical Association, Slovenian  Association of Acupuncture
Spain Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Barcelona Acupuncture Division of the Complementary Treatments Section /  Official Medical College in Barcelon isagiralt@gmail.com
Spain Veterinarios Acupuntores del Mediterráneo Mediterranean Veterinary Acupuncturists
Switzerland Assoziation Schweizer Ärztegesellschaften für Akupunktur und Chinesische Medizin Association of Swiss Medical Societies for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine akupuntur-tcm.ch
Turkey Akademik Akupunktu Dernegi Academic Acupuncture Society www.akupunkturdernegi.org.tr
Turkey Istanbul Akupunktur ve Tamamlayici Tip Dernegi Istanbul Medical Acupuncture and Complementary Medicine Association www.istakupder.com
Turkey Ankara Akupunktur ve Tamamlayici Tip Dernegi Ankara Acupuncture and Complimentary Medicine Association akupunkturvetamamlayicitip.org/
Turkey Turkish Acupuncture Association Turkish Acupuncture Association
Uruguay Asociación Uruguaya de Acupuntura Uruguayan Acupunture Association www.acupunturamedica.org.uy
USA American Academy of Medical Acupuncture American Academy of Medical Acupuncture www.medicalacupuncture.org
USA American Division of the International College of Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics (American College of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics) American Division of the International College of Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics (American College of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics)


How to become a Member of ICMART

Membership is governed by the relevant Article III of our Articles of Association. Please fiil out the followinng application form and  read carefully the below mentioned extract :