This Medical Acupuncture Education Standard presents the educational objectives of a program of education and training in medicine for doctors, agreed by ICMART
The International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques (ICMART) is the largest umbrella organisation representing Medical Acupuncture Associations worldwide. It has a current membership of 80 medical acupuncture associations from around the world, amounting to over 35,000 doctors practicing acupuncture and related techniques.
Through its membership organisations the ICMART has strong links and cooperation with Medical, Research and Health Organisations worldwide.
The ICMART Lexicon of Medical Acupuncture is the source of information for current training programs worldwide.
There is great diversity of regulations governing the practice of acupuncture worldwide. This document relates exclusively to the education and training of fully qualified medical practitioners.
This document sets out the essential core elements of knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for a good curriculum. It provides a consensus framework of training requirements for safe and effective practice of medical acupuncture (the practice of acupuncture by medically qualified practitioners), and outlines the syllabus for examinations leading to a qualification in medical acupuncture conferred by the organizations represented in ICMART.
This document presents the minimum standards of education and training in medical acupuncture for physicians, arrived at by consensus of the ICMART membership
It is not intended to stifle innovation or diversity of teaching styles and methodologies, or limit the scope of the material taught. It should be used by those providing or developing courses as a framework to ensure that appropriate educational objectives are achieved.
Therefore the curriculum found in this document reflects learning content considered sufficient for individuals to become safe and knowledgeable medically qualified acupuncture practitioners. In many countries, professional and registering organisations surpass these standards and set standards to reflect the practice of acupuncture in their country.
The ICMART Accreditation Committee, with the oversight of the ICMART Board, is responsible for creating this document, but do not claim the authority to impose its requirements. They are advisory rather than prescriptive.
The document is the basis for ICMART to provide accreditation of courses for medical practitioners taught by organisations affiliated to ICMART. The aim is to have standards in place to future proof MA training and practice should such accreditation be formally required in the future by government or medical registration offices.