Program 11:00am – 15:00 GMT
11.00-11.05 Welcoming words by ICMART General Secretary Dr. Konstantina Theodoratou, Greece
11.05-11.35 What is important to know about Chinese Herbs Dr. Josef Hummelsberger, Germany
11.35-12.05 Traditional Korean Herbal Medicines: Current status and the research trend Kwon Seungwon MD, South Korea
12.05-12.35 Holding the handlebar from two sides – Thoughts on combining Acupuncture with Herbal Medicine in practice
Dr. Matthias Lechner, Austria
12.35-13.05 Why should an acupuncturist use Chinese Herbs for gastrointestinal diseases? Dr. Francisco Lozano, Mexico
13.05-13.35 Immunological impact of Chinese Herbs on respiratory infections Dr. Karin Stockert, Austria
13.35-14.05 Severe acute infectious mononucleosis treated with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine: a case report
Dr. Thomas Burgoon, USA
14.05-14.35 Treatment of Post-COVID 19 syndrome with Chinese Herbs: case reports Dr. Albert van Dinteren, Netherlands
14.35-15.00 Chinese Herbal Medicine – successful treatment for orthopedic and traumatic injuries
Dr. Josef Hummelsberger, Germany