It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr Marshall Sager

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Dr Marshall Sager who died 4 November 2021. He joined the ICMART board in 2009 serving as director at large, and in 2011 he became Chair of the Education Committee. He served as Vice President of ICMART 2013 – 2016. Marshall was the driving force in creating the “ICMART Lexicon of Medical Acupuncture”, a labour of several years which came to fruition when he presented the first edition at the ICMART General Assembly during the Congress in Riga (Latvia) in 2010. His dedication to ICMART was demonstrated by his regular presence at ICMART board meetings in spite of the great distance he had to travel from his home in Philadelphia to Europe. He was a deep thinker and articulate speaker. ICMART is indebted to Marshall for his fine work and dedication.
Marshall was President of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA) 2001-2002. During his tenure he testified before White House CAM Commission in the interests of medical acupuncture. After his Presidency he continued to serve on the AAMA board and maintained a role in the teaching program.