
Welcome to the 10th Interdisciplinary Acupuncture Symposium!

the Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece –SAMAG- organizes the 10th Interdisciplinary Acupuncture Symposium online, on Sunday 27th of November 2022.

The Symposium will be online and we hope for the last time!

This year the symposium will be focused on the various “pandemics” of our planet: according to the WHO data leading causes of diseases and disabilities today are chronic diseases which can be reversible up to 90%. More people suffer worldwide from air pollution, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammation and stress disorders than covid-19.

Physicians and researchers will discuss how the new situation affects our body and the methods that would help the people to lead a “healthy” life. The program will contain multiple lectures concerning acupuncture clinical applications and current scientific research on our field.

We will be delighted if you join us in this interesting scientific quest.

Dr. Konstantina Theodoratou MD, MSc, Med. Psych. AABMRC Fellowship,
Secretary General of ICMART
President of SAMAG
Chair of the Symposium
