Acupuncture for clinical pathogenetic versions of bronchial asthma

K.P. Gamaiunov, A.T. Kachan
Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, Saint Petersburg, Russia

In an effort to evaluate the effects of classical acupuncture on clinical pathogenetic versions of bronchial asthma, corporal /CRT/ and auricular /ART/ reflex therapy was used in 79 cases of light and medium severity – 56 atopic /Gr.I/, 11 infection-related /Gr.II/, 9 pathogenetic receptor-mediated /Gr.III/ and 3 immune-complex /Gr.IV/.

Gr.I indicated IgE hyperproduction in 64%, and increased specific sensitivity of the respiratory canal in 84% of the cases. In all cases the CRT clinical efficacy was evaluated at 71%. The therapeutic intervention primarily involved P and R channel points.

In Gr.II, 64% of the cases required preliminary sanation of chronic infection loci. The best effects were obtained with CRT/ART combinations.

In Gr.III, ART produced a seven-fold increase in non-specific resistance of the respiratory canal, with the most pronounced clinical effect. The strategy involved points 55, 71,14, 101. In Gr.IV, the effect was symptomatic.

Thus differentiated approach is of topical importance in corporal and auricular reflex therapy for some clinical pathogenetic versions of bronchial asthma, with cases of high IgE levels cured in CRT, and those of increased specific and non-specific sensitivity of the respiratory canal in ART techniques. The best clinical efficacy was attained in cases of atopic and pathogenetic receptor mediated bronchial asthma.

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