Acupuncture in neurosurgical rehabilitation

M. Koreshkina, Y. Shulev
Hospital 2 Neurosurgical Center,Cherkasova 7/1, fl. 92, St. Petersburg, Russia

Purpose of the study was the selection of the rehabilitation methods in postoperative period after surgical treatment of lumbar disc prolapse.

Methods: 42 patients – 15 male and 27 female from 34 to 57 years old received rehabilitation course in the early postoperative period. X-ray, MRI, neurological examination and electromyography were applied for all. Acupuncture, physical training, electrotherapy and medicine treated the patients. The acupuncture included the pointing therapy, moxibustion and needles.

Results: the best results (pain and deconditioning syndrome reduction) were received in the cases of the complex treatment: physical training and different kinds of acupuncture – 26 patients (62%), satisfactory results after physical training and electrotherapy – 13 patients (31%) and 3 patients (7%) were disappointed after medicine.

Conclusions: The cornplex rehabilitation including acupuncture and physical training is preferable.