Acupuncture in Obstetrics

Dr. Tamara Khwan, Dr. Irina Kim
Women Hospital Sacchalin, Russia

Prophylactic of the maternal and perinatal mortality is the No1 problem in the contemporary obstetrics. 80% of pregnants have different complications. In the majority of cases it is a gestosis of the late pregnancy, manifestative in proteinuria, hypertenzia and oedemas. Simultaneously more, then 80% of pregnants have extragenital pathology: anemia, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, hormonal disbalance, osteochondrosis, functional nervous disorders, myopia and others. In most manuals of the Traditional Chinese Medicine is stated, that acupuncture should not be used in pregnants with gestosis. But we think; that acupuncture can have a very good effect in complex treatment of this pathology.


We have developed new method of treatment of these complications. It have been already treated 86 pregnants. Control group was been received medicamental therapy. We used points in IG,GI, E, V, P, MC channels and auricular points 34, 35, 55. For the first time was applied cupping massage and moxibustions in the form of special column of pressing herbs. At the same time we were carried out cure of extragenital pathology and fetoplacental insufficiency. The course of treatment included from 8 to 12 procedures in ambulant conditions.


In the main group: 86% of pregnants had birth in time. Al1 babies had marks 8-9 on the Apgar scale. In the control group 40% of pregnants had different complications, such as: premature birth, dead birth, eclampsism, hemorrhage. Only 48% babies, borned in control group, had marks 8-9, the others had marks 6-7 on the Apgar scale.


Our methods shows very good results in the cure of pathology of pregnancy. The treatment carried out in ambulant conditions, the pregnant didn’t get medicamental load. Thus, the therapy of obstetric pathology is an effective remedy of the maternal and perinatal mortality.