Bryan Frank
Typical American medical acupuncture training involves an eclectic and pluralistic approach to the study of acupuncture. As with the culture of the Americas, its medical acupuncture traditions represent a hybrid of numerous ethnic and traditional backgrounds. Contemporary neurophysiology and neutoanatomy and the effects of acupuncture on various physiologic systems are important in a medical system based on modem physiology and pharmacology. Combined with multiple classic and contemporary energetic paradigms of acupuncture, the American physician typically approaches patients with a multitude of traditions of acupuncture.
This workshop is intended to present various common clinical syndromes and their medical acupuncture management from an American perspective. Various neurooanatomical acupuncture traditions including Surface Energetics (according to Seem), Trigger Point deactivation (according to Travell), Intramuscular Stimulation (according to Gunn), Autonomic Switches (according to Wong), CraigPens (according to Craig), and osteopuncture, as well as other related therapies including cupping, gwa sha, scar deactivation will be discussed. Energetic traditions of acupuncture include the use of the Tendinomuscular Meridians, Principal Meridians, Curious Meridians, Distinct Meridians, Shu-Mu Subsystem, and the Contrary-Inverse Treatment. Microsystem approaches include Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine, Koryo Hand Acupuncture, and Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture.
Dr. Frank will discuss the integrated approach of these various acupuncture traditions along with the integration into a contemporary biomedical practice.