R. Wagner
Muhlweg 11, Ebersdorf, Germany
A disease of the inner organs causes a specific subjective model of organ sign. This agrees with the segmentel-regulation complex and shows in a reflexiv – painful sign. Nociceptiv afferences from inner organs effect on the entire segmentel-regulation complex. But the central structure of the whole regulation is the system of the basic regulation. Therefor a successful pain therapy should set up as a whole but first it should apply to the basic system. The extracellular matrix has a tendency to store waste products but with the development of a latent acid tissue and that leads to an change of the structure of the protein of matrix.
Overdoing sports leads also to a hyperacidity because it uses up so much energy and prevents the detoxication of the basic substance, heightens the waste products of matrix and causes pain. Pain therapy in sports could very fast cross the barrier to the state of doping affairs and has to show respect the anti-doping regulations of the IOC.
An alternative method is the biological pain therapy. It sets up to the structures of the basic substance and is based on a undisturbed function of the excretion organs. Therefor it is important to activate the excretion organs at first after that should follow the start of the mobilization of the basic substance. The author presents a biological therapy approach that agrees with all the requirements and also respects the anti-doping-regulations of the IOC.