Clinico – phisiological foundation of application of acupuncture and fluctuation current

Alexander Sivakov M.D.
Masherova str., 47/1-170, Minsk 220035, Belarus

The main aim of this investigation is the development and aprobation of the new method of curement – the simultaneous application of acupuncture and fluctuation current. The essence of this method is the following. The certain acupuncture points are punctured with metal needles and then connected with apparatus, which produces fluctuation current. The present scientific work was divided into three stages: morphological, electrophysiological and clinical. All the received results have undergone the statistical control. In the result of morphological investigations the optimal. uncausing morphological changes in soft tissue and nerves parametras of application of fluctuation current, were defined. It became the basis of the next investigations. The results of the physiological investigations show, that the simultaneous application of acupuncture and fluctuation current on the condition of periferical nervous system (changes the sensitivity of the skin and the amplitude of the action potential).

The clinical stage of the work was provided on the patients with lumbosacral radiculitis with hemilesio L5-S1 . The usage of acupuncture and fluctuation current increase the effectiveness of treatment of these patients according to clinico-electrophysiological parametras and the results of multicriterial clinical analysis.

The achieved results confirm the usefulness of application of acupuncture together with the fluctuation current in clinical practice.