Current Members of the Committee
Chair: Dr. Petja Piehler, MD, Austria
Dr. Chin Chan, MD, Australia
Dr. Tomas Dawid, MD, Uruguay
Hedi Luxenburger, MD, Germany
Dr. Chun Lee Oei-Tan, MD, The Netherlands
Dongwoo Nam, South Korea
Dr. Patrick Sautreuil, MD, France
Dr. Konstantina Theodoratou, MD, Greece
Dr. Marica Yamamura, MD, Brazil
ICMART World Annual Congress
The ICMART World Annual Congress takes place every year in different countries. During the Congress happens also the General Assembly of ICMART.
The ICMART congress programs have evolved over the years and now function in accordance with the general standards of conventional medicine’s international congresses. Lectures, which are presented in scientific as well as traditional approaches, have facilitated the expansion of the scope of each congress and significant presentations by internationally recognized lecturers are offered. In addition, prizes and awards are given and exhibitions are included.
A nucleus of faithful and regular participants has created increased professional and personal bonds as well as a friendly and collegial atmosphere. This nucleus has been the starting point for the establishment of a network, which has developed into the ‘web inside the web’.
ICMART Science Award
The ICMART Science Award in Acupuncture and Related Techniques is the main award of ICMART, which will be presented at each ICMART Congress. It recognizes an outstanding scientific contribution in the field of acupuncture, TCM and related techniques. Submission requires innovative and excellent scientific projects either in basic research or in clinical research.
The ICMART Science Award is valued at 1,000 Euro. In addition, if the winner (one author) travels to the organizing country, ICMART will cover travel costs of up to 500 Euro and the congress fee.
To qualify for this award, please submit one scientific manuscript either published or accepted for publication in an indexed peer-reviewed journal during the previous two years. The manuscript should be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae of the nominated authors and a one-page statement in plain English for the general audience describing why this scientific work should be awarded. The award-winning manuscript will be selected by an independent committee composed of members of the ICMART Scientific Chapter upon the following criteria: a) innovation, b) level of relevance and c) scientific rigor.
The ICMART Science Award is presented at the upcoming ICMART Congress. Preconditions for the payment of the award are physical presence of the awardee at the designated award ceremony and an oral presentation of the research project in one of the congress sessions.
Young Scientists Awards
The ICMART Young Scientists Travel Award is to encourage young researchers of promise on whom the progress in the field of acupuncture, TCM and related techniques depends. It recognizes four science projects addressing any topic related to acupuncture, TCM or related techniques – whether it is etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis or therapy of symptoms or diseases. All submitted abstracts compete for a limited number of 4 Travel Grants.
Each of the four Young Scientists Travel Awards is valued at 500 Euro in order to cover travel costs to the ICMART Congress. In addition, the awardees have free congress admission.
Physicians, scientists, medical students and other healthcare providers currently in residency or fellowship programs of no more than three years after obtaining their final degree are eligible for application.
Interested candidates should submit an abstract summarizing their research project. In addition, applicants are required to upload a brief curriculum vitae of the nominated authors and a one-page statement in plain English for the general audience describing why this scientific work should be awarded.
The awardee will be selected by an independent committee composed of members of the ICMART Scientific Chapter upon the following criteria: a) innovation, b) level of clinical and/or scientific relevance, c) scientific rigor and contribution of the applicant to the research project.
Precondition for the payment of the award is an oral presentation during the Young Scientists Session at the ICMART Congress.
Abstracts submitted but not accepted for the Young Scientists Travel Award will be considered for oral or poster presentations at the ICMART Congress
Poster Awards
All posters accepted for presentation by the scientific committee of the congress will take part in the competition. Poster awards will be presented during the Poster Session, where awardees will be asked to give a 10 minutes presentation of their paper. In case of absence the respective award will not be attributed.
Each of the four ICMART poster awards is valued at 250 Euro.
In addition, some ICMART members sponsor one or more poster awards so the total number of awards is different every year.
An independent jury will evaluate all poster presentations according to the following criteria: a) Scientific excellence (all fields of research), b) Innovation, c) Clarity of presentation (visualization, structural logic), d) Understandability
Archive of ICMART Congresses
Current Members of the Committee
Chair: Dr. Petja Piehler, MD, Austria
Dr. Chin Chan, MD, Australia
Dr. Tomas Dawid, MD, Uruguay
Hedi Luxenburger, MD, Germany
Dr. Chun Lee Oei-Tan, MD, The Netherlands
Dongwoo Nam, South Korea
Dr. Patrick Sautreuil, MD, France
Dr. Konstantina Theodoratou, MD, Greece
Dr. Marica Yamamura, MD, Brazil