J.A. Popov
Scientific – Medical Centre Acupuncture Hand & Foot – St. Petersburg, Russia
Electrography – a method of quantitative graphic registration of electrical potentials general and regional electrohomeostasys of the person.
The method is developed for application in clinical practice with the purpose objectivisation of a condition electron-proton of transport system of blood and estimation electrohomeostasys of the person in norm and at various pathology.
The registration of electropotentials from a surface of a body of the person comes true with the help cardyoregister H -100 with the subsequent reproduction on PC. Principle of work of the device is based on transformation of parameters of an analog regional electrosignal to digital meanings, record them in electronic memory and subsequent restoration of a written down electrosignal in the analog form. Registration of an electrosignal from a body of the person comes true with the help of two electrodes, placed with two parties of the device.
Compression by a brush of an electrode of the device to a researched surface of a body register electropotential of the given region biologically of active points.
The electrogrammes have individual morphological structure, characteristic for acupuncture of points of conformity, corresponds the information about electron-proton to transport system of blood and about regional electrohomeostasys of internal bodies.
Electrography reveals on a surface of a leather of a projection anatomy of an arrangement of main ways of electronic transport in organism of the person, the size of signals of which reaches in various regions 0,5-3,0 mV.