Kertesz Agnes, Hegyi Gabriella
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University, Szeged, Hungary
Conventional and complimentary medicine offer numerous possibilities for reduction or elimination on chronic pain. In a large majority of cases, conventional therapy affords a satisfactory result. In a significant number of subjects however, the improvement is not appropriate. The present work has the aim of demonstrating the opportunities provided by one of the main branches of complimentary medicine, acupuncture. This report summarises the results attained by treating chronic low back pain by means of laser-therapy.
90 patients with chronic pain in the low back took part in the study. They received laser-acupuncture treatment administrated to acupuncture points in the ear and in the body that corresponded to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The instrumental parameters, applied: Seirin laser pen Ga A, As diode, 780nm laser category 3B, 5mW, 10Hz.
Prior to the acupuncture treatment, these 90 patients had participated in conventional therapy without any essential improvement. In response to 3-5 laser-acupuncture therapy sessions, complete remission of pain was achieved in 72 cases. In patients who exhibited only a temporary improvement even after the fifth session, CT and MRI recordings confirmed the suspicion on discus hernia, and these patients underwent surgery. Even after a period of 3 years, the 72 patients have not observed recurrence of the pain. These results demonstrate that lasting freedom from pain can be attained in cases, which do not respond to conventional therapy. At the same time, it draws attention to the necessity of the application of modern imaging procedures in order to make an accurate diagnosis in those subjects who do not improve satisfactorily.