Fractal theory and its use in acupuncture therapy

Entcho Enev
7I V. Turnovo Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Tel/Fax: (00359) 32-229894

Fractals as a mathematical explanation of the geometrical figures have a characteristic of the invariant repleteness in terms of scale or self examining where one can always see the same main elements in the objects under different magnitude. On the basis of many similarities with geometrical fractals, the human body can also be viewed as a fractal structure.

I suggest two laws: The First law is the fractalisation of the implication in the human body and the , Second law – the slow quieting of the implication in different scale of the fractal structure.

I suggest an explanation of the old rules in acupuncture with the Fractal theory. In this way some empirical rules as the rules left-right. up-down can be described with the first law of Fractal theory.

Strong rnanipulations with needle in a shu point in some acute disturbance are explained with the decreasing of the action on the basis of the second law of Fractal theory.