Functional chain and neural therapy

R. Wander
Friedensstr. 47, D-08439 Werdau, OT Langenhessen, Germany

Neural Therapy according to HUNEKE includes segment therapy and irritative focus therapy. According to our experience, 75% of the irritative foci lie in the otorhinolaryngeal area. There lying paranasal sinus, teeth, tonsils and ears are integrated within the segmental reflectory complex as intemal organs. Their stimulus feedback influences the cranial joints from which due to their high proprioceptive informations, an almost stereotypical functional scoliosis is brought forth. Functional movement disorders (blocking) of the O / C1 /C2- C4 – Th4 – ThlO – LS / S1 ISJ are thus maintained. The organs connected with these segment levels come into a sympathetic irritative state that affects organ function.

Physiotherapeutic efforts including manual therapy without an extinction of the irritative foci in the otorhinolaryngeal zone are often followed by relapses. Complaints of the statically stressed lumbosacral vertebral column and of the pelvic region are most usually facilitated by an inadequate position of the cranial joints. Besides, segment C2 has a 13 motoneuronal connection that influences the tonus of the total body muscular system. Local segmental treatrnent should be preceded by a diagnosis of the irritative foci in the otorhinolaryngeal region and by their neural therapeutic extinction, in order to increase its effectivity.

Every pain therapy should include manual therapy leading towards the extinction of stimuli generated in the vertebral column. If the effects are unsatisfactory acupuncture is recommended in order to activate descending inhibitory systems. Failures of response to therapy are usually accompanied by tissue acidosis. In this case, the sympathetic induced ineffectivity of the detoxicating organs included in the functional chain, can be treated by neural therapy, homotoxicologically and phytotherapeutically.