H. Becke
Walther Rathermustr. 106, D-14974 Ludwigsfelde, Germany
Gastroenterological or dyspepsia syndromes are frequently associated with acute or chronic dyskinesias. They may affect the entire digestive tract, as for example in Crohn’s disease (in the acupuncture of the CHONG MAI) or only the stomach with its multifarious syndromes as well as the terminal segments of the intestine in conditions such as ulcerative colitis, irritable colon, diarrhea, spastic and/or atonic obstipation in the widest sense. Neural therapy may be applied in a complementary manner or as first-line treatment.
The following applications are available: injections preferentially with 1% intravenous procaine, as weals in the region of Head’s lines, at alarm or concordance points in acupuncture, infiltrations of segmental scars, indirect sympathetic trunk injection according to Mink (facet points or HUA TUA points in acupuncture) and at the celiac ganglion, if necessary on both sides. Blockades of the vertical column which give rise to disorders of internal organs via the vertebro-visceral reflex pathway have to be lifted after segmental neural therapy. The influence of peripheral interference fields must be abolished by neural therapy. The results of treatment are impressively good.