By Dr. Walburg Mari?-Oehler, MD, Bad Homburg, Germany
Past Chair of European Chapter
The ICMART European Chapter and the Education Chapter were established during the ICMART World Congress in Munich/Germany, 1991. That historic Congress marked the 40th anniversary of the German Medical Acupuncture Association DAEGfA as well as the opening of the Iron Curtain, the demise of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany. It was a proud time when many East European Medical Acupuncture associations attended an ICMART Congress for the first time. The spirit of Munich emphasized the European idea of hope and enthusiasm and led directly to the scientific program of the congress. In retrospect, Munich was one of the milestones of ICMART history.
It was also a time of evolution for the growing European Union. The EU went slowly forward, step by step. More and more members were incorporated, and the common European currency was introduced. There was an increasing need for common EU regulations and standardizations in different fields, including medicine and health systems. Solutions were discussed and resolutions offered as more and more issues required new resolutions.
From the mid-nineties on, non-conventional medical treatments, such as acupuncture, became more and more popular, accepted and desired by patients and physicians. Coming from the United States the term CAM, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, came into use, in lieu of terms such as non-conventional or naturopathic treatment. Unfortunately, it took a long time for this new term to be reasonably accepted, by the representatives of official medicine as well as by politicians in general and in Brussels.
This was the turning point for ICMART. It was necessary for ICMART to become active in the European health policy. Many other organizations and groups representing various CAM medical systems and treatments had tried to get recognition in Brussels. They always failed. There were too many different groups and their requests were too bewildering. For this reason the idea came up to create an EU medical CAM alliance.
After a phase of general orientation, in about 2005, the main CAM groups came together. After many round table discussions, common aims and common strategies were discussed and resolved. This working group later became the umbrella organization, CAMDOC Alliance. CAMDOC Alliance is the umbrella of European and international medical organizations of acupuncture, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine and naturopathy.
For special initiatives and aims later on, the circle of participants has been widened to a working group of four stakeholders – EUROCAM: CAMDOC Alliance, non-medical practitioners’ umbrella organizations, CAM patients’ organizations and producers of CAM medicinal products.
During this more than five year period, CAMDOC Alliance and EUROCAM organized many discussions with EU health policy representatives of DG SANCO (General Directorate of Health and Consumer) and established a flourishing CAM Interest Group organized by MEPs (Members of Parliament).
The CAMDOC Alliance and EUROCAM have worked together on several common papers and were asked to send members to participate in the Advisory Board of the EU 7th Frame Work Research Program CAMbrella, for which CAMDOC Alliance has collected numerous data concerning the use, regulations and problems of CAM in the EU.
EUROCAM has planned and is structuring an EU CAM Conference on 9th October 2012 in Brussels, in cooperation with DG SANCO. The purpose of this Conference is to inform politicians and decision makers about the contributions of CAM to the various focus points of EU health policy, currently including: healthy aging, cancer and chronic disease.
within the frame of CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Making acupuncture visible
- Making acupuncture and its contributions to EU public health visible
- Making acupuncture and its role in modern western medicine visible
- Making acupuncture visible in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
- Making acupuncture and its role in establishing pluralism in medicine visible
- Making acupuncture and its role in creating the Integrative Medicine of the future visible
EU-CAM Representation
By Dr. Walburg Mari?-Oehler, MD, Bad Homburg, Germany
Past Chair of European Chapter
CAMDOC Alliance
Other CAM Platforms
CAM Interest Group
Activities / News
Why should CAM be represented on the EU level in Brussels?
CAM is represented in Brussels since about 2005 in an organized structure.
CAM is represented with its main medical systems and treatments acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine, homoeopathy and naturopathy.
- Promoting the contribution of CAM into EU Health Policies and Programs 40% to 70% of EU citizens have used some form of CAM. EU citizens use CAM, because it is effective, individualized and having a very positive safety profile.
- CAM can be used complementary or as alternative to conventional medicine.
- CAM provides significant cost savings to public health bodies.
- CAM is increasingly evidence-based for its effectiveness, safety and cost effectiveness.
- legal recognition and regulation of CAM practice varies considerably between EU-member states.
- lack of knowledge and understanding of CAM by decision makers.
- insufficient and only partial availability of CAM medicinal products due to inadequate EU legislation
CAM therapies as a first option in many problems keeping more costly, more invasive and potentially toxic treatment as a second option.
CAM contributes to health promotion and staying healthy.

CAMDOC Alliance
By Dr. Walburg Mari?-Oehler, MD, Bad Homburg, Germany
Past chair of European Chapter
Integration of well established and respectable CAM methods into EU Health Policies
- To provide EU citizens with the added value of CAM by medical doctors
- European Commission: joint responses to public consultations by DG SANCO/Health and Consumers
- Contact with CPME – Comité Permanent des Médecins Européens (Standing Committee of European Doctors)
- Presentation of CAMDOC at the European Congresses of Integrative Medicine/ECIM
- Publication of documents related to CAM in general and the practice of CAM by medical doctors in particular
Cooperation partners
CAMDOC Alliance – collaboration of European and international doctors’ associations in the field of CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Jointly represent about 130 European associations of medical doctors practising CAM
- International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques ICMART
- European Committee on Homeopathy ECH
- International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations IVAA
- European Council of Doctors for Plurality in Medicine ECPM
3rd European Congress on Integrative Medicine ECIM 2010, Berlin, 5th -7th December
- CAMDOC Workshop 6th December 2010
The Workshop of CAMDOC Alliance during the last ECIM was intitled:
Contribution of CAM to European Public Health.
The topics covered a broad spectrum of interesting and important aspects of the current situation of CAM in the EU and the activities of the CAM Stakeholder Group EUROCAM including CAMDOC Alliance. Robert Kempenich (ECPM) gave an overview about the work of CAMDOC Alliance during the last five years. Madeleen Winkler (IVAA) presented the results of an EU CAM mapping questionnaire which has been sent out three years ago. At last Ton Nicolai (ECH) developed future perspectives of CAM in Europe. Moderated by Walburg Mari?-Oehler (ICMART) at the end of the workshop an interesting discussion came up together with representatives of the 7th Frame Work Research Program CAMbrella with the wish to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between scientists and CAM physicians.

The CAMbrella coordinator Wolfgang Weidenhammer and representatives of CAMDOC Alliance
From left to right: Patricia Leroux †(ECH), Walburg Mari?-Oehler (ICMART), Madeleen Winkler (IVAA), Ton Nicolai (ECH), Hedi Luxenburger (ICMART), Wolfgang Weidenhammer (CAMbrella), Robert Kempenich (ECPM)
CAMDOC Workshop ECIM 2010 Program.pdf
4th European Congress on Integrative Medicine ECIM 2011, Berlin, 5th -7th October
- CAMDOC Round Table ‘Towards Integrative Medicine in Europe’
Papers / brochures
Documents published so far:
- “Model Guidelines for the Practice of Complementary Therapies (CAM) by medical doctors in the European Union” (2008)
to ensure that their associated members utilize CAM in a manner consistent with safe and responsible medicine, in view of the increasing interest in and use of CAM therapies in medical practice.
- “Complementary Medicine (CAM) – Its current position and its potential for European healthcare” (2008)
It describes the characteristics of CAM, citizens’ motives for choosing CAM, CAM as a safe and effective complement or alternative to conventional medicine, the need for integration with conventional medicine.
- “The regulatory status of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for medical doctors in Europe” (2010)
Gives an overview of the current legal and regulatory status of the various CAM modalities provided by medical doctors in the EU member states.
- Update facts and figures for CAMbrella 7th EU Research Frame Work Program,
the first EU CAM research program
CAMDOC members contribute to advisory board of CAMbrella
Read more (
Other CAM Platforms
By Dr. Walburg Mari?-Oehler, MD, Bad Homburg, Germany
Past Chair of European Chapter
EUROCAM European CAM Stakeholder Group
political collaboration of CAMDOC Alliance with other European CAM associations

- Joint lobby for inclusion of CAM into EU Health Policy, into Public Health Programs and Research Programs and the 7th Research Framework Program
Cooperation partners
CAM associations of patients (EFHPA, European Federation of Homeopathic Patients’ Associations / EFPAM, European Federation of Patients’ Associations for Anthroposophic Medicine)
CAM doctors (CAMDOC Alliance)
CAM practitioners (EFCAM, European Federation for Complimentory and Alternative Medicine)
CAM manufacturers (ECHAMP, European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products)
- Meeting with Mr Robert Madelin, Director-General at DG SANCO/Health and Consumers, March 2009
- Meeting with Ms Paola Testori Coggi, new Director-General at DG SANCO/Health and Consumers, December 2010
– Mapping the regulatory status of CAM in Europe
– CAM conference
– EU-Health Portal
– CAM Interest Group
– Participation in platforms, such as on cancer
– Availability of CAM medicinal products
– Priorities of DG SANCO/Health and Consumers
Manifesto for The European Parliament Elections 2014
see more:
or on facebook: EUROCAM
EUROCAM Stand at EPHA (European Public Health Alliance) Annual Conference 2014
During EPHAs annual conference 4-5 september 2014 in Brussles EUROCAM represented with a stand its cooperation partners – including ICMART.
ICMART also is already member of EPHA, the European Public Health Alliance.
CAM Activities
By Dr. Walburg Mari?-Oehler, MD, Bad Homburg, Germany
Past Chair of European Chapter
CAM Interest Group – CAMIG
EU MEPs (Members of Parliament) have the possibility to organize Interest Groups to discuss and work on topics which belong to their working field or which they make in their concern. They can include other stakeholders of the topic of interest.
The CAM Interest Group has been established in 2010 by MEPs who are interested in CAM and its contribution to the European health policy. EUROCAM is the main cooperation partner.

- Putting and keeping CAM on the EU policy agenda.
- Arranging a platform in the EP for information sharing, discussion and action.
- Promoting awareness of CAM and the value of a more holistic approach to health.
- Initiating policy action.
- Kick-off meeting March 2010
- First CAM Interest Group Meeting on 16 November 2010, Brussels
Topic: Availability of CAM Medicinal Products in the EU
1st CAMIG 2010 Agenda.pdf
Two speakers from CAM community about current state of affairs, concerns, challenges and possible solutions in homeopathic, anthroposophic, herbal medicinal products, traditional Asian medicinal products
‘The precarious status of herbal products in the EU’
Robert Verkerk, UK, the Herbal Working Group of the CAM Stakeholder Group
‘Availibility of Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products in the EU and in the 27 Member States’
Nand De Herdt, ECHAMP, President, Belgium
Commission’s perspective on the position of CAM products
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine – An Update’
Nils Behrndt, European Commission, Commissioner for health and consumer policy
- 2nd CAM Interest Group Meeting on 12 April 2011, Brussels
Topic: Healthy ageing, chronic disease management and potential contribution of CAM
2nd CAMIG 2011 Agenda.pdf
Two speakers from CAM community, presentations focused on
(cost) effectiveness and benefits of CAM in chronic disease prevention management, maintaining health and treating illness in individualized way, salutogenesis
‘Chronic disease: prevention and management – the potential contribution of CAM in Healthy Ageing’
Ton Nicolai, ECH, President, CAMDOC Alliance, The Netherlands
‘The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: CAM in Healthy Ageing’
Seamus Connolly, EFCAM, President, EUROCAM, Ireland
Commission’s activities on the EU topic healthy aging.
‘European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing’
Jorge Pinto Antunes, DG SANGO, European Commission
- 3rd CAM Interest Group Meeting, 11 October 2011, Brussels
Topic: The need for CAM research into health promotion
One speaker from the CAM community
‘The contribution of Complementary Medicine to European Public Health – towards a Research Agenda’
Harald Walach, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
The view of the Commission on CAM Research
‘CAM and the Research Framework Programmes’
Ole Olesen, DG RTD, European Commission
1st Joint Interest Group MAC-CAM, 27th March 2012, Brussels
Common Interest Group Meeting of MAC / MEPs (Members of Parliament) against Cancer and CAM / MEPs for CAM
Topic: Cancer and the contribution of CAM
Two speakers from the CAM community
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Oncology’
PD Harald Matthes, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, Berlin, Germany
‘CAM for Prevention and Integrated Treatment of Cancer’
Prof. Gustav Dobos, Kliniken Essen-Mitte, Germany

The first health policy CAM Event – a successful pioneering project
By Dr. Walburg Mari?-Oehler, MD, Bad Homburg, Germany
Chair of ICMART European Chapter
CAM Conference and CAM Exhibition
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine – Innovation and Added Value for European Healthcare‘
9th October 2012, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
The CAM Conference in Brussels, as a European pioneer project, is dedicated to the current great debate ‘Quo vadis Europa?’ with all related topics and especially its positive aspects. The future of Europe is at least also dependent on how fit and healthy Europeans are. Public Health for European citizens is an important issue in Brussels. In this context CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the European level is becoming increasingly important.
ICMART International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques (founded 1983), the global umbrella association of medical acupuncture societies, has contributed for years and has set many important inputs. The ICMART’s European Chapter has worked together in Brussels with the European and international federations of homeopathic and anthroposophic doctors and the ECPM European Council of Doctors for Plurality in Medicine in CAMDOC Alliance ( The CAMDOC Alliance thus represents the main CAM systems including acupuncture, which may help in this work very much, including their integrative approaches, their application in all EU countries and the increasing evidence in scientific studies.
EUROCAM is the Stakeholder Group for concerted action, when it is necessary to speak with a united voice to articulate common goals and to encourage innovation. EUROCAM provides a platform for European and international federations of medical and non-medical therapist CAM organizations, patient organizations, and CAM medicinal products representatives to work together on joint projects. One such project was the planning and preparation of a CAM Conference in Brussels to inform parliamentarians and decision-makers, particularly in the area of ??public health, about the possibilities that CAM can contribute to an innovative European health policy. In retrospect it can be said that the idea was good and the many years of dedicated preparation paid off. When the serious efforts were increasingly noticed in Brussels, support came from the Commission, DG SANCO (Directorate-General for Health and Consumers). The meeting was conducted in the European Parliament, EPHA European Public Health Alliance took over the on-site organization.
In summary, the CAM Conference was a great success. As an initial and unique pilot project, exactly at the right time, so that all parties could be happy and proud to have contributed to innovative European health policy, a milestone in raising awareness of the importance of CAM, as a first step in the right direction. Now it can only continue to move forward.
The Conference was very well attended throughout the day as was the accompanying CAM exhibition with posters of major CAM systems and methods and related information booths. The target group of parliamentarians and their assistants actively participated and contributed to the discussion. There was a lot of interest in and compliments to the successful conference and exhibition as well as a lot of confirmation to be on the right track with the definite committement to continue.
The Conference was organized by EUROCAM, the European Stakeholder Group for CAM, with the generous support of the European Commission, particularly DG SANCO and of EPHA. The meeting was opened by the hostess MEP Member of Parliament Elena Oana Antonescu (EPP, Romania), the co-hosts MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, Finland) and the MEP Alojz Peterle (EPP, Slovenia), with a video message from the current EU Commissioner John Dalli. Then Enid Segall (United Kingdom) spoke as a representative of CAM patient organizations, which have played an important role in the initiation and preparation of the CAM Conference.
In accordance to the importance of the conference the daily programme with high standards was balanced thematically, aligned scientifically, but at the same time delivered in an understandable format for the target audience. All important and relevant topics to the future of health policy issues were raised.
The moderation by the wide range of important issues with repeatedly cross summaries was made in an excellent manner by Prof. Harald Walach, Professor of Research Methodology and Complementary Medicine, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt / Oder, Germany.
It was possible to attract prominent speakers from various European universities performing CAM research and who have partially participated in CAMbrella 7th EU Frame Work Research Programme (2009 2012).

- Lectures
Value of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for European patients and population
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine and innovative healthcare’
Andrew Long, Professor of Health Systems Research, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
‘Patients’ motivations for and use of CAM’
Helle Johannessen, Professor of Social Studies in Health and Medicine, Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Value of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for European health systems
‘Evidence-base and effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine’
Gustav Dobos, Professor of Internal Medicine, Chair of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
‘Costs and cost-effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine’
Claudia Witt, Professor of Medicine, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Economics, Charit� University, Berlin, Germany
Value of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for EU health policies and programmes
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine in health promotion and disease prevention’
Simona Dragan, Professor of Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitation, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine and chronic disease management’
Erik Baars, Professor of Anthroposophic Healthcare, University of Applied Sciences, Leiden, the Netherlands
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine for innovative partnerships’
Dominik Irnich, Head of Multidisciplinary Pain Centre, Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Munich, Germany
The way forward to innovative healthcare using Complementary and Alternative Medicine
‘Innovative use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in healthcare and public health systems’
Torkel Falkenberg, Associate Professor of Health Care Research, Research Constellation Leader – Integrative Health Care, Karolinska Institute, and Director, I C – The Integrative Care Science Center, Sweden.
‘European Parliament’s perspective on Complementary and Alternative Medicine’
Alojz Peterle MEP (EPP, Slovenia)
‘Next steps for CAM – challenges and opportunites’
Monika Kosinska, Secretary General, EPHA
Closing session
‘The CAMbrella project – status and potential impact’
Wolfgang Weidenhammer, CAMbrella project leader, Centre for Complementary Medicine Research at the University Hospital ‘Rechts der Isar’ of the Technical University of Munich, Germany
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine in European healthcare – recommendations from the day’
Harald Walach
At the conclusion of the conference a declaration was read and received with applause. The declaration consists of two parts, a summary of the main points of the meeting and ,Call for Action’.
read also more under European Public Health Alliance:
Joint Meeting of the European Parliament Interest Groups
MEPs Against Cancer and MEPs for CAM
Thursday 27 June 2013, European Parliament, Brussels
- Keynote speech
Mr Tonio Borg, DG SANCO Commissioner responsible for Health and Consumer Policy
- report of the conference
- Presentations
Introduction: The Eu policy ‘Investing in Health’ and the added value of CAM
Dr Ton Nicolai, ECH/EUROCAM
Reducing inequalities in health – improving the provision of CAM
a) Legal status and regulations
Ms. Solveig Wiesener, senior adviser at NAFKAM, University of Tromso, Norway, Coordinator Workpackage 2 CAMbrella Project
b) Providers
Mr Stephen Gordon, ECCH/EUROCAM
c) Medicinal products
Mr Nand de Herdt, ECHAMP, the European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products
Mr Michael McIntyre, EHTPA, European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practicioners Association
Prevention, health promotion, reduced inequalities and CAM Innovation
Mr Seamus Connolly, EFCAM
Cost-effectiveness and efficiency of CAM
Professor Dr Erik Baars, University of Applied Sciences, Leiden, the Netherlands
Good practices of CAM integration in the EU: the Tuscan ecperience
Dr Elio Rossi, Tuscany Network of Integrative Medicine, Lucca, Italy
Reducing the need for antibiotics – CAM Interest Group meeting 1 April 2014
hosted by Ms Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP (Finland) and Mr Alojz Peterle MEP (Slovenia), European Parliament, Brussels
Presentations and documents available for downloading (source:
Ms Herta Adam, Deputy Head of Unit SANCO 3 – Health threats
Introduction: The role of CAM in reducing antimicrobial resistance
Dr Ton Nicolai, EUROCAM spokesman/coordinator
Herbal medicine – its role in combating antimicrobial resistance
Mr Michael McIntyre, Visiting Professor, Middlesex University, London, Chair European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioner Association, UK
Integrative approach in anthroposophic hospitals
Dr Thomas Breitkreuz, President Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA), Senior Consultant at the Paracelsus Hospital, Unterlengenhardt, Germany
Homeopathy as an alternative to antibiotics
Professor Dr Michael Frass, Professor of Medicine, Senior Intensivist, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Herbal medicine as an alternative to antibiotics in animal husbandry
Professor Dr Johanna Fink-Gremmels, veterinarian, chair in veterinary pharmacology and toxicology at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
Homeopathy as an alternative to antibiotics in animal husbandry
Ms Liesbeth Ellinger, veterinarian, researcher, Past-President International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (IAVH), the Netherlands.
Ensuring the availability of CAM medicinal products for the benefit of EU citizens in order to exploit their potential to address some major health issues of our time such as antimicrobial resistance and chronic disease –
Meeting of the European Parliament Interest Group MEPs for CAM 1 July 2015

Its subject was “Ensuring the availability of CAM medicinal products for the benefit of EU citizens in order to exploit their potential to address some major health issues of our time such as antimicrobial resistance and chronic disease.”
In several EU Member States the availability of CAM herbal, homeopathic, and anthroposophic medicinal products is unnecessarily restricted, a fact confirmed by a recent report by Matrix Insight, commissioned by DG Health and Food Safety. The lack of availability of these products inhibits an increasing demand by EU citizens for low risk, health enhancing CAM medicines, hampering the ability of doctors and practitioners to deliver CAM treatments effectively. It also undermines the potential benefit of these products in helping to tackle health issues prioritised by the Commission e.g. combating anti-microbial resistance, managing chronic conditions and sustaining healthy ageing. Urgent measures are now needed to increase the availability of these products across the EU.
Experts from the CAM community outlined issues that limit availability of CAM medicinal products, presenting proposals for positive action within the current legal framework in order to improve their accessibility.
A letter, signed by members of the Parliament, was sent to Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, urging him to issue a Communication addressing the problems highlighted by the Matrix report.

Pan-European Research Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
CAMbrella EU 7th Frame Work Research Program on CAM
is the first EU Research Program on CAM, from 2010 to the end of 2012.
The aim of this scientific program is the description of a road map of CAM in the EU as a base for future EU CAM research.
The use of CAM in the EU is reviewed in seven work packages (WP).
The most important research topics: terminology and definitions, citizens’ needs and demands, patients’ and providers’ perpectives regarding CAM, further CAM research perspectives
CAMbrella Advisory Board
The concept of the CAMbrella research program includes an advisory board which is representing the main CAM systems and treatments in the EU to provide CAM data and information.
Representatives of CAMDOC Alliance and the European practitioners’ umbrella association are included in the CAMbrella Advisory Board as active cooperation partners.

CAMbrella Workshop in the EU Parliament on 28 November 2012
Presentations CAMbrella Final Conference
read also more under European Public Health Alliance:
Summary Report of Activities of the ‘Post CAMbrella’ Steering Group
April – December 2013
read more
European Information Center on CAM EICCAM
since 2009
‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine is not evidence based’ – that is the mantra that is heard over and over again when meeting political decision makers. There is a strong need to convey the message that substantial and good quality research evidence in CAM does exist, and furthermore, shows potential for contributing to significant improvements in health care delivery and in public health.
Acquaintance with information on the scientific underpinning of CAM is greatly lagging behind its increasing use by European citizens. To plug the information gap the European Information Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EICCAM) has been founded with the aim of providing and disseminating understandable, objective and high-quality information on the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). The outcome of research on complementary medicine is usually only presented in scientific journals and to fellow scientists, using scientific terminology. Consequently there is a communication gap. As long as this exists, it will be a barrier to CAM’s greater use.
EICCAM central purpose is to collect and update scientific information on CAM on a regular basis, converting the scientific information into a summarised and understandable format for the educated non-expert public. This information is independent, comprehensive, understandable and quality assured in order to contribute to informed decision-making by politicians, legislators and other stakeholders. The centre also networks with the scientific community, with CAM stakeholders, and is intending to organise or participate in scientific events on CAM.
EICCAM has been set up as a Public Utility Foundation under Belgian Law, with a Management Board and a Scientific Board. Both boards jointly decide on actions and activities while the Scientific Board selects the information input and output and, most importantly, ensures its quality and independence. The current scientific committee includes reputable scientists working at European universities and includes expertise in the CAM field. To date, they have published several ‘EICCAM Research Facts’ on studies in the field of homeopathy, acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine and herbal medicine, all downloadable from the website
Contact: Chair of the EICCAM Management Board, Dr Susanne Schunder-Tatzber,