In its nearly 30 years of existence, ICMART has created a world-wide presence with many interesting, informative and exciting events, programs and activities of international relevance.
Statutory ICMART World Congresses
take place every two years in different countries. In these World Congresses a General Assembly for all members is included.
ICMART Symposium
sometimes called World Congress or World Symposium, are organized in the years between the Statutory Congresses. It was determined that two years between each congress was too long a time, so this increased frequency was established. These ICMART Symposia offer the possibility for Extraordinary General Assemblies.
The ICMART congress programs have evolved over the years and now function in accordance with the general standards of conventional medicine’s international congresses. Lectures, which are presented in scientific as well as traditional approaches, have facilitated the expansion of the scope of each congress and significant presentations by internationally recognized lecturers are offered. In addition, prizes and awards are given and exhibitions are included.
A nucleus of faithful and regular participants has created increased professional and personal bonds as well as a friendly and collegial atmosphere. This nucleus has been the starting point for the establishment of a network, which has developed into the ‘web inside the web’.
ICMART network
ICMART has created an enormous international network of contacts, which is regularly maintained and available when necessary. The network has been extended gradually through interactions at the regular congresses as well as by meetings at other conferences and situations, round tables, etc.
National Congresses with International Participation
organized by ICMART member associations in cooperation (co-badging) with ICMART or under the patronage of ICMART. These gatherings include invited representatives of ICMART to take part in the official ceremonies, speeches and discussions. Through these National Congresses, ICMART is able to play a significant role in national activities, thus solidifying the network.
The critical work of ICMART to promulgate common ideas and aims generated at congresses and meetings has strengthened ICMART and has been a stimulus for book writers and for the publishing of articles in magazines and journals. It was also the stimulus for launching this new website in 2012.