V.I. Oriel, A.T. Kachan
Medical Academy of post-Graduate Education, 40 ul. Saltykova-Schedrina, St . Petersburg, Russia
West-European physicians convinced themselves that the acupuncture is an efficient method. Acupuncture’s advantageous using depends directly on diagnosis exactness that is the exactness of revealing of the channels (functional systems) pathology.
It is the pulse diagnosis that Chinese physicians can use. Most of West-European physicians are not able to use it in due measure, but they are not satisfied also in full measure with widely used methods of’ instrumental diagnosis (Nakatani, Akabane, Foll and their variations).
During a quarter of the century is pursued s study on using of the acupuncture points temperature as an indicator of the organism state. The opinion of ours had been expressed (V.I. Oriel, I994) that some temperature characteristics of Cutaneous Zones of Projections of Acupuncture Points (CZ PAP) could be of diagnosis signs of a channels lesion.
In this paper the results of the temperature characteristics analysis are presented (absolute measures, lability, asymmetry of like CZ PAP). The temperature measurements were done by means of low-inertia electron thermometer (mock-up version with precision of ‘0,1°C, the temperature-sensitive element surface of 1.5 mm2 ) on the CZ PAPs located on terminal phalanges of hands and feet of patients with duodenal ulcer (36 men) , enuresis (14 men) and chronic bronchitis with asthmatic component ( 17 men ) . In one examination 4 or more measurement cycles were taken. Temperature examination was performed before treatment, in the course of this (during scarring in the case of duodenal ulcer) and at the coming of clinical signs of recovery.
Statistic treatment of examination results revealed: a) that temperature asymmetry of like CZ PAPs, lability and asymmetry of temperature lability could be of signs of the channels state and b) that using of absolute temperature data of CZ PAPs as a diagnostic criterion is problematic at this stage of our study.