Neuraltherapy in veterinary visceral diseases

Andreas Zohmann
Veterinary director of the Rehabilitation centre for horses and small animals (Vierbeiner Reha – Zentrum), Dr. Marc – Str. 4, D 34537 Bad Wildungen, Germany

In the following some examples of treating visceral diseases in several species by neural therapy are described just to show, that this kind of treatment is very efficient not only in treating the locomotion apparatus but also in veterinary internal medicine.

Sometimes animals are suffering from visceral diseases which do not only influence the patient’s common state of health but also the economic state of the owner. For example problems of the reproduction organs in cows like infertility may threaten some farmers existence. Very often scars originating from cesarean section can be found within the same segmental zones like the ovaries. Infiltration of these scars resulted in normalization of the sexual cycle as well as in better results of inseminations. The uterovaginal plexus is another important structure to be treated by neural therapy in disorders of the reproduction apparatus. This method (the paracervical block in cows) had been described by Kothbauer (1978). The results especially in cows, who don’t come in heat, are surprising. All cows came into heat exactly three weeks after neuraltherapy.

This method has been examined in small animals too and it might be interesting, that at first it had been examined against incontinence in dogs. The technique, which had been used at the beginning, did only block the vesical plexus. We developed a technique blocking not only the vegetative fibres of the urinary bladder but also of the uterus resp. the prostatic gland. A lot of incontinences are caused or supported by disorders of the (segmental related) inner genital organs. So the second method at the same time reaches both plexuses, the uterovaginal and the vesical. Another very interesting field for neural therapy is treatment of pulmonary diseases, esp. in horses. The very well-known chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) represents one of the most problematic diseases in horses because it depends on a lot of factors. Using neural therapy (always thinking of some chronically burdening irritations) we have the chance to treat very effectively, esp. when the anamnesis shows diseases of the greatest sinus system in horses (the “airbag”). Also the use of the stellate ganglion block in such diseases is very sufficient.

The use of neural therapy is like acupuncture a precious extension of our therapeutic facilities in veterinary medicine. The greatest advantage offered by neural therapy is treating causally by eliminating the disease supporting irritation centre (or “disturbing field”).