Richard Umlauf
Brno, Czech Repulic
446 patients (1.6%) only with local afflicted elbow joint were treated from 27 253 ambulant patients (289 971 therapeutical sittings, the average 10.64/1 patient) since 1975 to 1997.
2732 of them (10.02%) had symptoms corresponding to the cervico-brachial syndrome, another 1383 (5.07%) to the cervico-cranio-brachial syndrome, all of them with more or less significant pains also in the elbow region. Because only 9% of all our patients were not treated by classic pharmacological, physical, surgical, spa therapy and 91 % of them were not satisfied with the treatment before, we established gradually not only the body acupuncture and electroacupuncture, but also vacuotherapy, auriculotherapy, soft-laser, chinese scalp acupuncture, YNSA, periostal acupuncture, HFOT based on acupuncture systematics, weak, rapidly variable and programmed magnetic fields etc. combined also with manual, medicine and TUI NA in suitable patients. Thanks to the strict individual but complex treatment of our patients we achieved a long-lasting therapeutical effects in 2922 (71 %) of them.