Dr. P. Rosted – M.D.
United Kingdom
Acupuncture is not going to replace the drill, but it certainly has quite a lot to offer in dentistry. A recent review paper on the scientific validity of published papers was able to identify 74 papers regarding the use of acupuncture in dentistry. Among those papers 15 were randomised controlled studies. In I1 out of 15 papers acupuncture proved effective in the treatment of Temperomandibular dysfunction and as analgesic. Moreover acupuncture has proved effective in the treatment of Sjoegrens disease in a number of papers not included in this review. Facial pain and phobias are another major problem where acupuncture has something to offer.
Presentation of scientific evidence for the use of acupuncture in dentistry
Relevant randomised controlled studies regarding the use of acupuncture in dentistry will be presented and discussed.
The basis for the relevant techniques
The techniques applicable in dentistry will be discussed in the view of modern neurophysiology.
The practical application of acupuncture in dentistry
The practical application of acupuncture in the treatment of Temperomandibular dysfunction, postoperative pain, Sjoegrens disease, facial pain, neuralgia, headache, migraine, stress, phobias and ENT related diseases will be illustrated by case stories and prescriptions.