Treatment of patients with extremities nerves damage

A. Kachan, A. Orlovskii
Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institut Mayakovsky str. 12, St. Petersburg, 191104, Russia.

Non-all conductionless syndrome includes non-all restriction of muscle construction, hypesthesia in nerve damaged zone and electrophysyological marcs: depression of M-response, low speed of nerve impulse for electromyography and others. We have experience 114 patients (87 male and 27 female) from 16 to 60 years old, with extremity nerve damage (126 nerves) such as plexus brachialis (40 cases), n.radialis (18), n.ulnaris (20), n.medianus (10), n.tibialis (3), n.pereneus (6), n.femoralis (3), n.ischadicus (5), and other. Damage mechanism is different such as fracture, joint luxation, cut, traction damage, complication of operation, injection and other. Level of damage was different too. 9 patients had pain syndrome.

Time from trauma to treatment start is variable (from 2 week to 2 years). All patients have been examinated: sensitivity, power of muscles, sweating, skin temperature, electromyography. 32 patients have been operated: more often neurolysis with implantation of electrode (nichrom 50 micron isolated with ftoroplast catheter) for electrostimulation . 84 patients have conservative treatment only (massage, medicative gymnastic, physiotherapy, paraffin application, vitamins injections (Bl, B6, B12,C), and other. We treat 48 patients with acupuncture as part of conservative treatment. We used corporal, auricular and su jok (foot- hand) acupuncture and moxibustion. We constatate the good effect of acupuncture and decrease of the pain syndrome . 8 patients had indication for operation, but after 2-3 week of acupuncture, operation was not necessary.