Irina Kim
We conducted the treatment of neurologic patients by vacuum therapy. Vacuum therapy is one of the types of reflexotherapy based on the influence by local rarefied air upon the skin in the area of reflexogenous zones. Since the treatment is carried out by means of special cupping-glasses the method is called the cupping-glasses therapy or the method of sliding cupping glass. Mechanism of treating effect: Vacuum artificially made inside the cupping-glass due to the pressure difference effects the skin.
During the procedure the removal of venous stagnation, increasing of lymph blood circulation, stimulation of hemopoiesis and nonspecific antiallergic immunity occur. Moreover, the cupping-glasses therapy resulted in non-specific stimulation of the local vegetative reaction according to the principle of adaptation to direct regulation of the vascular tonus. 24 patients were treated after insult; 35 – with convulsive syndromes; 28- with the exacerbation of osteochondros. The cupping-glass massage was applied both independently and in combination with acupuncture. Effectiveness of treatment in complex with acupuncture on 40% exceeds the treatment only with cupping-glasses massage. At the same time the effectiveness of treatment by cupping – glasses massage as compared with combined treatment is 30% below.
Conclusions: The cupping-glasses massage can be successfully applied in neurology. In combination with acupuncture it increases the effectiveness of treatment. While examining the remote results 30% of patients – disabled persons has restored their ability to work. In the group of patients received medicinal treatment there were no cases of restoration of ability to work.