Variations of Pain in Experimental Pain Stimuli in the Treatment of Classical Acupuncture Versus Yamamoto’s New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)

H. P. Ogal, S. Duennes, H. F. Herget
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Justus -Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany


Experimental pain stimuli (32 per test person) were set in 42 test persons at the upper calcaneus edge, and pain reduction was checked intra-individually by using the following variations of treatment

– Acupuncture YNSA basis-point D
– Acupuncture at the classical point Xiaochangshu = urinary bladder 27 (u.b. 27)
– Acupuncture at the placebo point of the head (Falsum point)
– Acupuncture at the placebo point of the hip (Falsum point)


Evaluation of the data as well as a statistical investigation using a bi-factoral variance analysis with repeated measurements of 2 respectively 1 factor yielded following results:

There are highly significant differences concerning pain reduction through the YNSA basis-point D and the acupuncture at the classical point u.b. 27 (p<0.0007).

There are highly significant differences concerning the verum and the placebo treatment (p<0.0006). Further hypothesis of controlling the experimental design were tested.


On the whole, the investigation shows that there is a marked difference between the acupuncture of the YNSA basis-point D and the classical acupuncture u.b. 27 with regard to pain reduction with experimental stimuli at the calcaneus.

These differences are significant.


– Chen Y, Deng I, ( 1989) Essentials of Contemporary Chinese Acupuncturist’s clinical experiences. Foreign Languages Press; Beijing

– Ogal H. P., Kolster B. C. ( 1997) Schaedelakupunktur nach Yamamoto – Grundlagen, Indikationen, Praxis. KVM; Marburg

– Yamamoto T, Maric-Ochler W (1991) Yamamoto Neue Schaedelakupunktur (YNSA), Chun-Jo; Freiburg i.Br.