Kozlov A. – Academician, M.D., Luzyanin K – M.D., Shirinsky V. – M.D.
The last decades of the XX-th century and modern trends of development in medical science and practical application shows the tendency of integration of both the medical traditions oon the fundamentals of scientific and evidence-based clinical trials.
This process is in a constant compliance with the dogmats of P. Eckmann.
We found it possible to stress the following directions for such mutual integration:
*Scientific (mutual understanding of the etyology and pathogenesis).
*Applied (the reasonable position of both the traditions in managing the diseases).
*Postgraduate and Advanced qualification of medical doctors in TCM.
*Changing the structure of Health care System.
We find it necessary to present our own results of the fruitfull cooperation between the medical Universities of Novosibirsk (Russia) and Tianjin (P.R.China).
The wide range of scientific investigations verified by the means of modern medical equipment is in process now at the Institute of clinical Immunology of Sybirian Academy of Sciences.
Over 400 MD,s undewent the postgraduate training courses in TCM at the University of TCM in Tianjin.
Starting with 2003 the clinical Centre of TCM is became very popular among the population of Novosibirsk.
During the last year only over 2000 patients underwent acupuncture treatment under the guidance of the highly trained medical doctors.
This is just one but very remarcable aspect of the fruitfull integration of both the medcal traditions that is in power in the Region of Syberia.