What is “Yin” and what is “Yang” Humans?

Prof. N. Nickolaev – M.D., Ph.D.

The problem suggested in the title is of great significance for every applied practitioner. That is why it seems reasonable to go back into the essentials of Chinese Classics and call to mind the dialogue from the “Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen”…

1. The Yellow Emperor asked:

Humans may be either Yin or Yang. Between heaven and earth, the number five is indispensable. Thus humans may have five times five (or twenty five) shapes or forms depending upon the growth of blood and Qi. How are these differentiated and how can one know their internal organs by inspection of their exterior?

Qi Bo answered:

The five notes of “jue, zhi, gong, shang and vu”, corresponding to Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water respectively. Each of the five notes, however, is divided into five subnotes, which are said to share the qualities or properties of that note.

“Joe” (Wood), for example, is subclassified into Shang Jue (or upper Jue), which is said to cover the whole of Jue in quality, and four other subnotes, namely, the right upper corner, the right lower corner, the left upper corner and the left lower corner… ,

One must first establish the five physiques, metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Then these are subdivided in terms of the five colours and then differentiated according to the five notes. Thi$ then makes up twenty-five types of humans…

The “Wood” form person is analogous to the “Upper Jue”. He has a green-blue facial colour, a small head and a long face, broad shoulders with a flat upper back, small, nice hands and feet, and is talented. He is studious, lacks strength and is fraught with worries. He is dilligent, and endures spring and summer but does not endure autumn and winter. During this time he is susceptible to invasion and thus – disease. This form is ruled by the foot “Joe Yin”. They are dignified and amiable…

The “Fire” form person is analogous to the “Upper Zhi”, has a red facial colour, broad paravertebral muscles, a pointed face and small head, well proportioned shoulders, upper back, and thighs, small hands and feet, moves steadily of the earth, is quick wilted, rocks when walking, is full fleshed in the shoulders and upper back, hot tempered, generous but neglectful of promises, thoughtful, observant and penetrating, good looking, impatient, is not long-living but liable to sudden death, and endures spring and summer, but does not endure autumn and winter. During this time he is susceptible to invasion and hence disease. He is ruled by the hand “Shao Yin” and has a knack for things (i.e. “honest”)…

The “Earth” form person is analogous to the “Upper Gong”, has a yellow facial colour, a big head and round face, beautiful shoulders and upper back, a big belly, well shaped legs, and small hands and feet. He has excessive flesh, and upper and lower limbs are mutually well proportioned, walks calmly upon the earth, is reliable, and has a calm heart. He is kind-hearted and charitable, does not desire power, and endures autumn and winter but does not endure spring and summer. During this time they are susceptible to invasion and the arrival of disease. They are ruled by the foot “Tai Yin” and have moral integrity…

The ‘”Metal” form person is analogous to the “Upper Shang”, has a white facial colour a small head and a round face, small shoulders and upper back, small abdomen, and small hands and feet, muscles of the outer ankles like bones and nimbleness of the bones of the body (i.e. “swiftness of movement”). He is honest and selfless, impatient, quite yet fierce, and a good candidate for government office. He endures autumn and winter but does not endure spring and ‘ summer. During this period they are susceptible to the invasion and the arrival of disease. They are ruled by the “Hand Tai Yin” and have moral integrity…

The “Water” form person is analogous to the “Upper Yu”, has a black facial colour, has a big head and uneven face (i.e. “curved” face), a large chin, narrow shoulders, a big belly, large hands and feet and swings their body while walking. He has a lowered coccyx and long upper back, is disrespectful, deceitful, and treacherous. He is subject to violent death, endures autumn and winter, but does not endure spring and summer. During this time he is susceptible to invasion and the arisal of disease. He is ruled by the “Foot Shao Yin” and is filthy and abject…

2. The Yellow Emperor asked:

“As to the years as they relate to the mutual overwhelming of the form and colour, how can this be known:'”

Qi Bo answered:

A person’s great fear recurs every nine years, beginning at seven years, then sixteen, twenty-five, thirty-four, forty-three, fifty-two, sixty-one, etc… These years are fearful for all people. During these times, one must not fail to attempt to calm oneself. Invasion leads to disease and neglect leads to death…

3. The yellow Emperor asked:

“How does one needle according to Yin and Yang?”

Qi Bo answered:

One must palpate the “Con Kou and Ren Yin” before regulating Yin and Yang. One must also palpate along the channels and connecting vessels in search of congelation, binding, and lack of free flow. These cause pain and obstruction somewhere in the body and, in serious cases, lead to lack of movement and thus congelation. Congelation can be warmed by conducting Qi to it, but will not be resolved until the blood is harmonised. In case of blinding within the connecting vessels, the vessels are bound and the blood cannot circulate, and this circulation can be fascilated by dredging. Thus it is said: if there is a surplus of Qi above, conduct it downward. If them is an insufficiency of Qi, it should be pushed towards the insufficiency. Where Qi has lodged and become retarded, it should be met and ushered. Therefore, one must be clear about the flow channels and tunnels before one is able to oppose the imbalance. In case of contention between cold and heat, conduct and circulate the Qi. In case of stale blood but without binding, immediately take aim at this.

If one is first clearly acquainted with the twenty-five types of humans distinguishing where blood and Qi are situated, left and right, above and below, needling will be simply accomplished…

Abstracts of ICMART ’99 International Medical Acupuncture Symposium