ICMART Congress 2011, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Acupuncture is a key component in pain management results of 10 years
- The role of acupuncture in pain management
- Acupuncture for acute non-specific low back pain: a randomized, controlled,
- Evidenced based medical acupuncture in back pain
- The Very-Point-Technique in chronic pain
- Diffuse noxious inhibitory control (dnic) of Le Bars
- Investigation on the origin of far field short latency potentials evoked from
- Can acupoints have an additional convergent effect?
- Post-traumatic stress disorders – an integrative east-west psychosomatic approach
- Acupuncture and psychotherapy in phobic disorders
- A randomized study comparing one session with two sessions of noninvasive
- Complex „pine”- acupuncture as an effective part of multimodal pain
- Successful application of acupuncture in emergency medicine – new case reports
- Acupuncture pain treatment in horses
- Chinese Herbal Therapy – is it risky?
- Report on the second plenary meeting of ISO/TC 249
- Plants, health and (un)belief
- Clinical observation of acupuncture and moxibustion, combining Chinese
- TCM-phytotherapy for menopausal symptoms: a 3-arm Dutch randomized
- Acupuncture for persistent moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
- Acupuncture clinical trials: a systematic literature review
- Can OPC (Objective Performance Criteria) used in FDA approval for medical
- Thermal properties of warm needle acupuncture and its meaning to heat
- Cerebral circulation and Korean Hand Acupuncture therapy
- Evidence based Korean Hand Acupuncture
- The effects of so-called “forbidden acupuncture points” in the pregnancy’s
- Pathophysiology expressed in advanced auricular therapy
- New discovered auricular reflex-point of the ciliospinal center in addiction
- Investigation of human biofield with a polarizing filter in auriculomedicine
- Auricular acupuncture for the treatment of pain
- Paraplegia and acupunctural signal
- Treatment of movement disorders, by way of acupuncture therapy combined
- Retinitis pigmentosa treatment
- Acupuncture healing in dermatology: an experimental study with rats
- The most effective and efficient acupuncture approaches
- Clinical use Of acupuncture In mental health
- Similarities and differences between physician acupuncturists and nonphysician
- Chronoacupuncture in the treatment of biliary dyskinesia
- Chronic fatigue – is acupuncture enough?
- Dietary treatment in headache of schoolchildren
- food as medicine
- Comparison of effects of press-needle acupuncture, moxibustion, qigong
- Gold-implantation
- New floatable acupuncture needle for the treatment of pain and stroke
- Interstitial laserneedle acupuncture – a new option for difficult pain syndromes
- Threats for acupuncture, answers to perceived threats
- Depressive states: is it possible to predict side-effects of anti-depressants
- Danger by acupuncture in ophthalmologic diseases
- Thermographic measurement of the skin temperature in the application of
- Misunderstandings and errors of traditional acupuncture
- Practice of Sa-Ahm (Korean) five element acupuncture of classical qi model
- Types of acupuncture, an attend of classification
- The mind-body concept of Tibetan medicine using the example of the theory of
- Facts for the future: PTNS (Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation) and its
- Laser acupuncture treatment relieving or controlling gynaecological problems
- Effect of Laserpuncture for autism spectrum disorder in children
- Acupuncture point localization varies clearly between acupuncturists
- Acupuncture-physiology-anatomy correlation
- Knowledge of anatomy is a big plus
- Mapping of the outline of normal internal organs & cancer tissue as well as
- Fractal analysis in studies on aging in an animal model: the nematode
- I dentification of different phases of electrical activity by fractal analysis of
- Fractal eeg comparison of gastritis treated by concha cymba and lobular points
- The scientific background of Neural Therapy
- Neural therapy for acupuncture non responders
- Neural therapy in the oncology
- Treatment pathways for acute and chronic pain cases in a private
- Acupuncture related techniques: beyond acupuncture for pain amelioration
- “Bi-syndrome” cured by Chinese electroacupuncture
- Specific reduction of number and intensity of Neck Reflex Points (NRPs) as
- A study of the Sa-Ahm (Korean) five element acupuncture theory and clinic
- Stressors, qi and sexual energy
- The direction of acupuncture in the coming 10 years in research and practice
- Overview of future directions for basic research in acupuncture
- Electroacupuncture for Parkinson disease: a Parkinson model of rat study
- Decreasing uterine artery blood flow with electroacupuncture in humans
- Migraine treatment follow-up: possibility of predictions with fractal EE G study
- Influence of neural therapy on the autonomic nervous system, measured by
- Patients with clinical/radiological hyperplasia of mammary glands show
- Acupuncture treatment for refractary post-traumatic pain in adults
- Is the treatment of general anxiety by acupuncture beneficial for other
- Agriculture and supply secretary acupuncture ambulatory between 2001-
- ICMART International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related
- CAMDOC Alliance
- Current situation of CAM in Europe and development of a roadmap for
- CAM in Switzerland – a story of success
- Will acupuncture be part of evidence based recommendations by 2020?
- The Certificate Program in Medical Acupuncture (C.P.M.A.)
- Acupuncture: education and training for medical students
- Different ways of teaching acupuncture in the world
ICMART Congress 2010, Riga, Latvia
- Analysis of Clinical Prognosis Factors of Peripheral Facial Palsy and Effects of Electro-Diagnostic Tests in Combined Treatments of Oriental and Western Medicines
- Improving fitness by 3 minute Kyusho Exercise
- Credibility of the newly developed Sham Moxibustion, based on the
- The Efficacy of acupoint sticking therapy for allergic rhinitis
- The Effectiveness of Acupuncture as an adjunct to weight management.
- The effect of Qigong practice
- Perspectives for the Future of Chinese Medicine in Germany: (Results of the Essen-Consensus Conference 2009).
- Treatment methods for acute and chronic pain syndromes in a private acupuncture clinic (Chania – Crete – Greece).
- Treatment of Stargardt Disease with Acupuncture.
- Pathophysiology expressed in advanced auricular therapy
- Prolotherapy: Beyond acupuncture and neural therapy for tissue functional restoration.
- Auricular acupuncture associated with Chinese Phytotherapy and dietary counseling in the treatment of nosocomial post-surgical knee osteomyelitis resistant to antibiotics
- Treatment of recurring furuncles resistant to antibiotics therapy with auricular acupuncture and Chinese Phytotherapy.
- Diagnosis of hepatopathy through the macroscopic analysis of the ear assisting in the precocious treatment of chronic hepatitis c.
- Acupuncture for the treatment of hyperhidrosis.
- Electropunctural evaluation of Humans energy condition.
- Facial Acupuncture for Charm and Elegance (FACE).
- Acupuncture allergic rhinitis to prevent asthma bronchiale.
- Acupuncture myofascial technique to treat pain of muscle injury.
- Medical acupuncture, reflexology and laser acupuncture
- Western and Traditional Chinese medicine
- A study on the combustion characteristics of indirect moxibustion with ginger to standardize moxibustion.
- Social interaction groups – a TCM based approach for epilepsy.
- Potential of the TCM in the treatment of some renal problems.
- The significance of the “Lyapko applicators” in the transformation of the immunological response and getting rid of alcohol, nicotine, drug
- Strengths and weaknesses of integration.
- Acupuncture and other alternative therapies in the treatment of Diabetus Mellitus.
- Acupuncture and rehabilitation of diseases of maxillofacial area.
- Chaos theory approach on the evaluation of long term alterations of HRV as a result of acupuncture treatment
- Potential use of auricular eletroacupuncture (AEA) induced hemostasia in surgical procedures.
- Integrative application of both the acupuncture and dietology in coordinating the activities of the Wu-Xin systems.
- Temperature characteristics of warm needles with clinical moxa cones.
- Effects of moxibustion and acupuncture at Yingxiang(LI20) on allergic rhinitis induced mice.
- Effect of administration of Pyritum on tibia bone during early fracture healing phase in mice.
- “Laser acupuncture treatment relieving or controlling gynaecological problems.”
- Laser acupuncture in the pediatrics.
- Different person’s different blood type produces different frequency.
- Tensegrity Model Acupuncture (VST) protocol for Temporo-mandibular dysfuncion.
- Tensegrity Model Acupuncture (VST) protocol for Temporomandibular dysfuncion.
- Vertex Synchronizing Technique Acupuncture (Tensegrity Model Acupuncture)
ICMART Congress 2008, Budapest, Hungary
- Special medical acupuncture techniques: the secrets of achieving the optimal qi response
- Why simplify the acupuncture treatment of functional disorders?
- New approaches in the treatment of the rachis pathologies
- Peripheral possible mechanisms for acupuncture
- Is the anti-analgesic effect of acupuncture a “placebo”-response?
- Pathophysiology expressed in advanced auricular therapy
- Combining acupuncture, moxibution and orthomolecular medicine methods in the treatment of vitiligo
- De qi sensation – historical, physiological und psychological overview
- Stress response system and acupuncture. The role of hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal (hpa) axis
- Anatomic structure analysis of trigger and acupuncture points
- Integrative psychosomatics east-west – a model
- Immunomodulatory acupuncture and ir – low level laser – indispensable healing support
- Auriculomedicine-the important key to individual holistic medicine and prevention
- The limbic system and the emotional concept of traditional chinese medicine
- Electro-magnetic considerations on meridian network
- Laser acupuncture in the management of migraine headaches
- Is there something physiological behind the specific effects of auricular acupuncture?
- Is there something physiological behind the specific effects of auricular acupuncture?
- Clinical use of acupuncture in geriatric medicine
- Chinese irodology from the traditional perspective
- ‘very point’ therapy combining points of various microsystems, especially oral acupuncture
- Neural therapy in primary pain care
- Neural therapy in primary pain care
- The treatment of lumbar spine problems in neural therapy
- Neuraltherapy in neurology
- Different neuraltherapy techniques in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
- The integrative effect of neuraltherapy on pain from a neural-endocrine-immune point of view
- Advanced pain and sports acupuncture paradigms
- Neuraltherapy as integrative medicine in ent
- Introduction in practical neural therapy
- We can only be successful if we apply a whole-body approach and treatment
- Laseracupuncture, experiences with a promising new technology
- Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture
- Effective acupuncture combination based on saahm 5 element and acupoint’s efficacy
- Acupuncture and local laser-therapy in osteonecrosis of the knee-actual results
- The dark side of our knowledge
- Acupuncture for obesity
- Chinese and western medicine – an insider’s comparison
- Thyroid pathology treatment with traditional chinese medicine
- Study on the specific or nonspecific acupuncture effect compared by the protein expression of asthmatic and normal rats
- Comparison and analysis on therapeutic effects of electric acupuncture on lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion
- The result of long-lasting acupuncture in migraine´s treatment
- Fibromialgy: compendium of different studies of diagnosis and treatment
- Influence of a acupuncture therapy on intraocular pressure and the compliance of patients with ocular hypertension and primary open angle glaucoma
- Experience with practical use of electric stimulation of acupuncture needles in treatment of vertebrogenic complaints
- Treatment of retinitis pigmentosa by acupuncture
- Prelimary clinical study of entirely new zones and extension-zones of existing points
- For the treatment of reactional depression, major depression and seasonal
- Affective disorder
- Split world (psychodynamic view of two emotinal pathogenic factors in tcm )
- Treatment of interference fields in patients with sudden deafness and fascial paralysis resistant to hyperbaric oxygen and chinese acupuncture
- Controlled study of long-lasting acupuncture in anticonvulsive treatment (epilepsy in childhood)
- New development in the treatment of cancerous patients by acupuncture: synthesis of 25 research years
- Long-term effect of acupuncture for patients with glaucoma
- Homeomoxa special moxibustio
- Acupuncture in palliative care
- Simultaneous use of invasive acupuncture and “acupuncture like” electrical stimulation and “tens-like” electrical stimulation
- Gold implantation
- Acupuncture research in general practice
- Pathogenesis analysis and treatment for the post-stroke depression
- Acupuncture for migraine: two n-of-1 trials
- New methods in traumatology and their application in complex therapy of burn trauma – method “loskot”
- Synergism of acupuncture and myofascial-manual lymphatic drainage and their effect on the immune system
- New modern trends & devices for informational stimulation and research of acupuncture meridians & points
- Mia – a new concept of acupuncture
- Insomnia: assident symptom and side effects
- Laser-needle acupuncture and intravenous laser therapy in clinical application: new results and treatment options
- Meridian treatment by using brt
- Accupunctural treatment of fbss: review of literature and personal experience
- Treatment of auricular acupuncture for the related diseases with vagus nerve
- Grouping and using homeopatic remedies according the principles of tcm
- Fractal analisys of eeg signals of ‘ghost limb pain’ subject to auricular needling
- Fractal analisys of eeg signals on sympthomatic headaches subject to auricular needling
- Evaluation of eeg sensibility on the identification of acute and cronical effects due to auricular acupoints stimulation
- Fractal analisys of calcium deposits applied to the development of urolithogenesis models according to tcm theories
- Patterns of calcium deposits as previewed by ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ complementarity approach
- Qol and adl in the patients with myasthenia gravis underwent acupuncture adjuvant therapy: a case series
- Different frequencies of electroacupuncture in patients with diabetes
- The immediate effect of 2nd metacarpal bone acupuncture on pain relief
- The effectiveness of acupuncture in chewing muscle tension, cmd, tmj and cervical spine disorders – a randomized controlled trial
- Hypnosis and percutaneous stimulation in the treatment of the fibromyalgia
- Effect of acupuncture in radial artery blood flow volume: hemodynamic change using only lr-3 acupoint
- Potentiating the autonomic effects of acupuncture by proactive use of respiration: hrv biofeedback based breathing guided by audio cd
- Individualized outcome measures in acupuncture – where do we go from here?
- The curative effect of acupuncture following i. Immediate application and ii. Delayed application on acute shoulder periarthritis
- Acupuncture and cancer
- Auricular acupuncture before dental treatment
- Clinical study report of a new acupuncture manipulation instrument on peripheral facial paralysis patients
- Genetic evidence for basic theories of the traditional chinese medicine; gradient and traditional chinese medicine
- Association of high expression in rat gastric mucosal heat shock protein 70 induced by moxibustion pretreatment with protection against stress injury
- Residency program on acupuncture – a reality in brazil
- A pharmacological study of skin electric current as base of the ryodoraku meridian (emi) measurement — effect after sympathicolytic drug administration for experimental animal
- Influence of a acupuncture therapy on intraocular pressure and the compliance of patients with ocular hypertension and primary open angle glaucoma
- Recurrent and chronic gynaecological infections and their treatment by means of methods of complementary medicine (electroacupuncture according to voll, vega testing)
- “sight improvement with bioinformatic methods”
- The sasang constitution is one of the independant risk factor of stroke
- Effectiveness of korean acupuncture treatment in hypertension patients: controled clinical trial
- An in-depth interview for use of moxibustion therapy in korea
- Telephone survey for grasping clinical actual state of moxibustion therapeutics in korea
- An experimental study on the effect of perillae fractus herbal-acupuncture at st36; the suppressive effect against ova-induced asthma and the regulatory effect on immune response
- The effects of baickbujasan extract on the skin damage and pigmendation induced by ultraviolet irradiation
- Risk factor analysis of needle sickness
- The relationship between hegu (l14) and yingxiang (l12)
- A survey study on correlation between health state and ordinary symptoms
- Discus hernia treatment by long-lasting acupuncture and soft laser therapy
- Treatment by long-lasting filamen implantation in amyothrophic lateral sclerosis (als)
- Acupuncture enhances superoxide dismutase (sod) activity in the serum of rheumatoid arthritis patients
- Acupuncture for premenstrual syndrome: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
- Is combine therapy with oriental and western medicine more effective than with oriental medicine only? A case study of patients with shoulder pain
- Therapy for children with enuresis nocturna mekoing use oc acupuncture and completing by cupping.
- Myofasciorelaxating acupuncture
- Postural treatment with electromagnetic waves
- Acupoints in the electromagnetic biocommunication of living systems
- Preliminary and exploratory study on specific adverse reactions to acupuncture – a randomized controlled trial on tiredness, drowsiness and driving ability after treatment
- Psychopuncture – a holistic therapy for psychosomatic & psychiatric disorders
- Acupuncture an efficient therapy in lhd
- Viral hepatitis-an integrative treatment approach
- A randomized clinical trial of local acupoints compared with distal acupoints in degenerative osteoarthritis on knee
- Socks syndrome
- The literary study on the clinical significance of string pulse
- Significant factors of cold and heat syndromes in traditional oriental medicine
- Acupuncture treatment in moebius syndrome congenital facial palsy. One case experience, expectations for the future
- Evaluation of the analgesic effects of a single point inpatients under adjustments of fixed orthodontic apparatus
- Wrist-ankle acupuncture on low back pain
- Wrist-ankle acupuncture on low back pain
- Acupuncture effects on localized edema in beckwith-wiedemann syndrome patient
- Acupuncture in european health services
- Clinical application of round sharp needle in myofascial pain syndrome
- The role of auricular therapy in crisis intervention
- Shushu theory of traditional chinese acupuncture
- Effect of electroacupunture on gastric mucosal intestinal trefoil factor gene expression of stress-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats
- Thermal characteristics of moxabustion as a function of air flow
- Effect and mechanism of moxibustion on acupoints zusanli (st 36) and liangmen (st 21) in the prevention and treatment of stress ulcer
- The effect of intradermal acupuncture on the spots of auricular for headache
- Study on anti-allergic effecst of ganoderma lucidum pharmacopuncture and ganoderma lucidum extract
- Acupuncture attenuate withdrawal symptoms and autonomic responses to smokingrelated visual cues
ICMART Congress 2006, Washington, USA
- Acupuncture in the management of migraine
- Clinical comparison of aroma acupuncture and normal acupuncture for chronic headache patients
- Case report: a case of cluster headache
- Medical apprehension mechanism of deep acupuncture for treatments of knee pain
- Amputation, pain caused by neuromas and acupuncture
- Clinical quantification in biomedical acupuncture for pain management
- Trigger points and acupuncture points: anatomic & clinical correlations
- Preventive effect of acupuncture on skin reaction and emotional perception of histamine-induced itch
- Treatment with acupuncture of a testicular chronic pain according the principles of the chinese traditional medicine.
- The DAGFA research program: outline and results of 10 years of stimulating and sponsoring acupuncture research
- The evaluation of complementary medicine in Switzerland
- The assessment of appropriateness of acupuncture methodology based on STRICTA recommendations
- Synergism of acupuncture and myoskeletal manual lymphodrainage in odontovertebral problems
- Irritable bowl syndrome
- Disturbance field temporomandibular joint
- Reflectory illness signs in gynaecology
- New approaches on unexplained infertility cases
- Zang-fu in a nut-shell: a clinical chinese synopsis
- Possibility of treating spinal cord injured (SCI) patients by applying soft laser and extra low pulsating electromagnetic field (DPEMF)
- Short-time effects of laserneedle acupuncture on the peripheral microcirculation
- The positive effect of gold rod implantation on cervical osteoarthritis.
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation need neural therapy!
- Low level IR Laser acupuncture/therapy– the high energy regulatory treatment
- Acupuncture biostimulation in cows
- Acupuncture treatment of low back pain
- First aid and the complex therapy of burn trauma acupuncture and myoskeletal manual lymphatic drainage
- Acupuncture for neck disorders: a systematic review
- Acupuncture in pain treatment- a psychophysiological approach
- Further preliminary clinical studies in the treatment with acupuncture of spermatogenesis deficiencies in male infertility
- Biological laser therapy: painless laser needle acupuncture and intravenous laser blood treatment with green, red and infrared laserlight
- Effect of acupuncture on nasal obstruction in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled trial
- Where are the benefits of combining acupuncture and neuraltherapy in treatment of myofascial syndromes
- New ways in treatment of cerebral palsy and brain strokes. acupuncture treatment of cerebral palsy with speech disorders
- From acupuncture to traditional chinese orthopaedics – a journey from the west.
- Acupuncture & bone diseases
- Acupuncture for allergies and asthma
- Zang-fu in a nut-shell: liver dominating spleen.
- Microsystems therapy in functional disorders of E.N.T. and stomatology. scientifically proved acupuncture approaches in sinusitis, vertigo, cranio-cervico-mandibular dysfunctions and orofacial pain
- Acupuncture treatment for obesity: a randomized control trial
- Cancer patients and acupuncture: a synthesis of 23 years of research
- Detoxification treatment process controlled by the MSAS
- A pilot study of acupuncture treatment for the osteoarthritis of the knee joint on the EBM (evidence-based medicine)
ICMART Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic
- Czech Medical Acupuncture Society (CMAS) – History, Present Situation and Future
- Metamorphosis of Slovak Acupuncture
- ICMART Status 2005
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Bischko – a Life for Acupuncture
- Prolotherapy: A Critical Acupuncture Related Technique
- Modern NeuroEndocrin-Immunological Conception of Acupuncture
- Regarding New Results of Clinical Research – The GUSE Model of Understanding Acupuncture Effects
- Outcome and Interpretation of the 2 large German Randomized Controle Trials
- Munich Outpatient Program in Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Chronic Pain (MOCAM) – One Year Follow Up
- The Treatment of Malignant Alopecia in a Dermatology Practice
- The Use of Acupuncture in Complex Therapy of Burn Trauma
- The Effect of Herbal-acupuncture Using Ursi Fel into Zusanli (ST 36) to Recover Function of Stratum Corneum on Mice Model after Atopic Dermatitis Elicitation
- Comparison of Three Approaches (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Auriculotherapy, Auriculomedicine and EAV) in Diagnosing and Therapy of Atopic Eczema
- Acupuncture and Related Techniques in the New European Community
- The Complex of Immunomodulatory Acupuncture and LL Laser
- Pain Syndrome of Thoracal Spine – Odontovertebral Projection
- Computed Electroacugraphy – Relations and Biorhythms
- Comparison of Success of Treatment by Acupuncture of Patients with Inherited Predisposition and Examination by AGES
- Acupuncture in Chronic Ischemia of the Lower Extremities
- Can EAV Pass through the EBM?
- Acupuncture of LI-4 in Anaesthetised Healthy Humans Decreases Cerebral Blood Flow in Putamen Measured with PET
- Effect of Acupuncture for Mental Stress on Short-term Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
- The Effect of Ting Point (Tendinomuscular Meridians) Electroacupuncture on hermal Pain – A Model for Studying the Neuronal Mechanism of Acupuncture Analgesia
- The Change in Limbic System Activity in Various Treatment Modalities in the Results of Neuroimaging Methods – a Review
- The Central Neuromodulatory Effect of Low Frequency Electroacupuncture at the Ting Points
- Infrared Diagnostics in Acupuncture – New Trends
- Acupuncture in Patients with Migraine – A Randomised Trial (ART Migraine)
- Vegetative Effects of Acupuncture in Migraine – Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
- Yin-Yang: Obstacle and Incentive
- The Traditional Chinese Medical Approach to Palliative Care
- Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine / On Some Common Misunderstandings and Related Consequences
- Five Types of Personality According to Sigmund Freud and His FollowerWilhelm Reich Related to the Five Elements or Symbols from the Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Burnout Syndrome in Female Patients A Modern Western Disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Chakra Acupuncture
- Shu Points and Autonomic Nervous System
- TCM – linked Nutrition Treatment and Hyposenzitation in Food Intolerance
- Acupuncture for the Alleviation of Lateral Epicondyle Pain: A Systematic Review
- The Clinical Study of the Deer Antler Herbal Acupuncture (DHA) on Tarsalgia and Plantar Fasciitis
- Technique for Treating Scoliosis and Other Postural Problems Using Special Orthotics Stimulate the Intrinsic Plantar Muscles
- The WU-SIN Theory in the Complex Treatment Programme
- Two Case Histories of Treatment by Traditional Chinese Medicine with Long Follow Up.
- The Clinical Study on 2 Cases of CVA Patients with Dyspnea Who Have Chronic Pulmonary Diseases Treated by Saamchimbeop
- Comprehensive Approach to Treatment of Certain Thyroid Disease
- The Principles of Acupuncture Treatment Based on the Differentiation of the Spinal Ilnesses
- Acupuncture Treatment in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain – Results of Two Randomised Acupuncture Studies
- Clinical Effects of Needle Acupuncture and Subsequently Applied Low Level Laser Therapy in Treatment of Acute Neck Pain
- Gold-Implantation. A New Method for Treating of Chronic Arthritic Pain
- Acupuncture Management of Frozen Shoulder – A Pilot Study
- Use of the Laser Therapy in the Painful Functional Impotence of the Shoulder: Preliminary Study
- Acupuncture Treatment of Woman’s Sterility
- Acupuncture Used as Anesthetic in McMaster Surgery for Hysteroscopy & Dilatation & Curettage of the Cervix
- Optical Neuritis Treatment with Electroacupuncture
- Observations in Chronic Inflammations and Influence with Acupuncture
- Investigations on the Effect of Acupuncture on Affective and Sensory Components of Pain in Patients with the Different Stages of Chronic Pain
- The Treatment of Catamenial Cephalea with Acupuncture
- The Management of Somatisation Effects Using Auriculotherapy in a Primary Care Setting
- The Clinical Observation of 4 Case of De Quervain’s Disease Treated with Cervus Elaphus Herbal-acupuncture
- Qigong Yangsheng – Traditional Chinese Medicine Exercises for Tension Headache and Migraine
- Introduction to the Workshop – Immediate Effects of Microsystem Acupuncture in Patients with Oromyofacial Pain
- Acupuncture for Treatment of Addiction Acupuncture as a Means of Promoting Weight Reduction and Giving up Smoking -Topical Trends and Concominant Therapies
- Energetic Diagnostics ARTTEST® or Energetic Test BEST – Body Energetic System Test
- The New Laser-Needle-Acupuncture in Clinical Application
- Canine Microsystem -Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture and Tail Acupuncture
- New Acupuncture Needle for Magnetic Resonance Research
- Relation Between Acupuncture Meridians and Electromagnetic Waves
- Introduction to the Workshop – Acupuncture with Extracorporal Shockwaves
- Acupuncture and Knee Pain
- Sensory Stimulation (Acupuncture) for the Treatment of Idiopatic Anterior Knee Pain
- Integrative Compassionate Medicine for the 21st Century and Beyond
- The Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicines in the Complex Treatment of Disseminated Sclerosis (MS) and Myelopolyradiculoneuritis
- Intradermal Acupuncture on the Shen-Men and the Nei-Kuan Acupoints in the Patients with Insomnia after Stroke
- Acupuncture Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Speech Disorders
- Effect of Electroacupuncture on Patients with Idiopatic Parkinson’s Disease
- The Importance of Decoding of Some Basic Terms in Acupuncture
- Acupuncture Today in France
- Integration of Contemporary Medical Acupuncture (CMA) in the Continuing Education Program (CME) at McMaster University for 21st Century Health Care Providers
- The Results of a Survey of ICMART (International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques)
- Functional Chain and Neural Therapy
- Principles of Neural Therapy
- New Insights into the Mechanism of Pain
- Neuraltherapy: From the Gate Control Theory to the Neuromatrix
- Neural Therapy during Hospital Treatment (Internal Medicine)
- Rehabilitation Supported by Neural Therapy
- Neuraltherapy in Tsunami-Rescue Flight – a Case Report
- Dental Influence on General Health with Special Regard to Diseases in the Head and Neck Region
- Torticollis Originated by Dentogenous Disease
- The Use of Electroacupuncture in Facial Riddles
- Application Acupuncture at a Renal Colic and Nephrolithiasis
- Acupuncture in Integrated Treatment of Glaucoma
- Pain Management by Acupuncture in a Physiological Perspective
- Biomedical Acupuncture for Pain Management: A Quantitative Approach
- New Integrative Approach; Case Study of Myofascial Meridian Stimulation Therapy (MMST)
- The Most Effective Medical Acupuncture Approaches and Techniques
- Topical and Relevant Methods of Testing Foci and Disturbance Fields
- Oral Acupuncture
- Advanced Auricular Therapy, Enhancing Clinical Outcomes
- Therapy of Craniomadibular and of Cervical Dysfunctions by Microsystem Acupuncture
- Immediate Effects of Microsystem Acupuncture in Patients with Oromyofacial Pain
- YNSA (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture)
- Scalp Therapy as Part of „ONNURI Medicine”
- Acupuncture and Functional Disorders. Second Level of Approach
- Acutaping – Fast and Efficient – Not Only in Pain Treatment of the Musculoskeletal System
- Acupuncture with Extracorporal Shockwaves
- Quick and Efficient Steps in Neural Therapy
- Overview of Acupuncture Evidence for Musculoskeletal Problems
- Stress Reduce by Dry Needling Controlling with New Biophysical Methods “What We Do with Acupuncture?”
- The Analgesic Effects of Electroacupuncture on the Inflammatory Pain in the Rat Model of Collagen-induced Arthritis: Mediation by Cholinergic and Serotonergic Receptors
- Some Somatic Markers of Infertility and Acupuncture Therapy
- Comparison of Three Approaches (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Auriculotherapy, Auriculomedicine and EAV) in Diagnosing and Therapy of Atopic Eczema
- Qigong Yangsheng – Traditional Chinese Medicine Exercises for Tension Headache and Migraine
- Acupuncture analgesia in ambulance gynecologic operations
- Developement of East-West Clinical Treatment Modalities on Chronic Headache Patients
- Thermographic Evaluation for East-Western Treatment of Central Poststroke Pain
- Application of CO2 Laser Needle to Acupuncture Treatment
- A Clinical Study of Aroma Acupuncture on Chronic Headache Patients
- The Study on the Effect of Acanthopanax Senticocus Herbal Acupuncture on Metabolic Syndrome in High-fat Diet Fed Mice
- Resonance Electropuncture Analgesia and Therapy (REAT) as a Highly Effective Non-Invasive Method in Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia and Neuropathy of Facial Nerve
- The Original Non-Invasive Method „Resonance Electropuncture Analgesia and Therapy“ of Pain Syndromes often Resistant to the Commonly Used Therapy
- Effects of Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) Radiation on Vitamin D3, Cholesterol and Calcium Level in Postmenopausal Women
- Effect of Naesowhajung-tang on Electrogastrography in Children with Functional Dyspepsia
- Introduction to Neural Therapy
- Auricular, Facial and Plantar Points in Postural Treatment
- Association of Responses to Bee Venom Acupuncture with Interleukin-4 Receptor and Interleukin-10 Gene Polymorphisms in Korean Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
- Association of Responses to Bee Venom Acupuncture with Matrix Metalloproteinase – 1 Gene Polymorphism in Korean Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
- A Clinical Study of Neurologic Disorders
- Microglial Activation was Suppressed by Acupuncture in Parkinson’s disease Rat Model
- Quantitative Nature of Acupoint Phase Transition: Prediciton of Prognosis and Treatment Protocol in Acupuncture Pain Management
- Acoustic Study of Acupuncture Therapy Effects on Post-Stroke Dysarthria
- Relieving Effects of Electroacupuncture on Mechanical Allodynia in Neuropathic Pain Model of Inferior Caudal Trunk Injury in Rat: Mediation by Opioid, Adrenergic and Serotonergic Receptors
- Anti-edematous Effect and Central Mechanisms of Electroacupuncture on Acute Arthritis
- Activation of Basal Ganglia by Acupuncture on LR3 and GB34: an fMRI study
- Experience with Testing Individual Tolerance for Stomatological Materials by Means of Electroacupuncture Resonant Test with the Use of Methodology EAV (Electroacupuncture According to MD. Voll)
- Genetic Identification for Herbal Acupuncture Solution of Akebia Quinata Decaisne and Aristolochia Manshuriensis Kom by Minisequencing
- Evaluation of Different Acupuncture Stimulation Techniques Using Quantitative Sensory Testing
- Acutaping – Fast and Efficient – not Only in Pain Treatment of the Musculoskeletal System
- European Multicentric Open Study en Effectiveness of Auricular Acupuncture on Migraine without Aura
- The Effects of Eelectroacupuncture Stimuli to the Doublecortin and PSA-NCAM Positive Cells in the Dentate Gyrus of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
ICMART Congress 2004, Sydney, Australia
- Pain and Symptom Control in Palliative Care: Principles of Treatment and Safety Aspects
- Acupuncture and Psychotherapy in Blepharospasm
- Acupuncture and dry eyes
- The Use of Acupuncture for Pain and Symptom Control in Patients with Breast Cancer
- Cochrane review has missed the point with acupuncture and low back pain.
- Effects of 830nm laser on cultured rat dorsal root ganglia: implications for its use in acupuncture.
- The Effects of 830nm laser on cultured rat dorsal ganglia: Implications for the analgesic effects of laser acupuncture
- A Critical Assessment of Functional Ear Points and Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment
- Enhancing Clinical Outcomes in Auricular Therapy Phases, Frequencies, Equipment
- Acupuncture research: from observation to prediction
- The New Laser-Needle-Acupuncture in Clinical Application
- Gold-Implantation. A New Method for Treating Chronic Arthritic Pain
- The Study on the Analgesic Effect and Its Cholinergic Mechanism of Electroacupuncture In the Rat Model of Collagen-induced Arthritis
- 16 Stress reduce by dry needling controlling with biophysical method Chunghyul-Dan (Qingxie-Dan) Improves Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Increased baPWV
- Effect of Bee Venom Injected Intraarticularly On Knee Osteoarthritis: A Comparative Study with Saline Injection
- Nocipathy and Acupuncture: A Pilot Study on Patients with Lower Back Pain
- Clinical Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Multiplet Laser Acupoint Needling on Arthralgia and Neuralgia of the Elders with Chronic Problems
- The C.H.R.I.S. Theory on the Aetiology and Perpetuation of Back Pain
- Acupunctue with extracorporal shockwaves
- Arthrosis of the knee, Coxarthrosis, Chron. Lumbalgia Pain of neck and shoulders, Tennis-elbow
- The Management of Postural Problems Using Healthmarque Reflex Orthotics
- Acupuncture in Oncology Practice
- Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis
- Presentation of Results of Infrared Camera Use with Acupuncture
- Acupuncture of LI-4 in anaesthetised healthy humans decreases cerebral blood flow in putamen measured with PET.
- Pain relief of electroacupuncture corresponds with hypothalamic and periaqueductal gray activation – a single-blind placebo controlled fMRI study
- Acupuncture Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Speech Disorders
- ScalpAcupuncture in the Treatment of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
- Possibility of Treating Stroke Patients by Applying Soft Laser and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
- Symptomatic Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Further Studies on the Long-Term Effectiveness of Acupuncture
- Increased Cervical Lordosis After Deep Acupuncture in Patients with Neck Pain: Nonrandomized Clinical Control Trial.
- “What we do with acupuncture?”
- The Effect of Saingheylyunbooemgami Extract to Recover Function of Stratum Coreum Mice Model After Dermatitis Elicitation
- Cephalea: Confirmation of the Effectiveness of the Integration Between the Occidental Medicine and the TCM Approaches
- The Puzzle of Acupuncture
- Discovery of Acupuncture Points and Channels
- Acupuncture research: from observation to prediction Anatomic structure analysis of acupuncture points
- Acupuncture and Functional Disorders: A Preliminary Approach
- Preventative Acupuncture – Antidepressive Acupuncture Therapy Against Pain Chronification.
- The Missing Link – Auriculohomoeopathy
- Neurocellular Hypoglycia and its Role in Depression and Fatigue
- The Use of Tendomuscular Meridian (TMM) Treatment in Primary Care
- “Acupuncture Management of Frozen Shoulder – A Pilot Study”
- Effects of Myofascial Meridian Stimulation Therapy (MMST) on Shoulder Pain
- Acupuncture Treatment for Obesity
- Diagnostic and differential diagnostic of pathologic processes stages.
- Preventive Acupuncture by Rhinitis Allergies
- Endometriosis Abstract
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain using Myofascial Meridian Stimulation Therapy(MMST): A New Concept
- Some Somatic Markers of Infertility and Acupuncture Therapy
- A Study of Statistical Diagnosis for Ryodoraku (EMI) Measurement
- Prevalence of Dental Foci and their Imapct on Chronic Diseases Encountered in 490 Patients
- The Clinical Observation on 1 Case of Alopecia Areata with Headache
- Para-Chlorophenylalanine selectively interferes with electroacupuncture and moxibustion – induced gastric emptying in rats.
- Effect of Moxibustion in the Acupoints Ren-12 (Zhongwan), St-25 (Tianshu) and St-36 (Zuzanli) in the Prevention of Gastric Lesions Induced by Indomethacin in Wistar Rats.
- Effects of acupuncture points St-36 (Zusanli) e SP-6 (Sanyinjiao) on the inflammatory post traumatic process of femurs surgery in wistar rats
- Chunghyul-Dan (Qingxie-Dan) Improves Arterial Stiffness in Patients with increased baPWV
- The Uighurs were amongst the very first people to practise acupuncture. The Chinese learnt from this ancient culture. This is a comprehensive poster presentation to trace the beginnings of acupuncture.
- Diagnosis and neural therapy in vertigo
- Mechanism of Reversal of Laryngospasm by Median Nerve Stimulation—A Electrophysiological study.
ICMART Congress 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Tuina – Chinese Massage
- Debate: Superficial or Deep Needling
- Segmental Acupuncture Workshop
- Back Pain
- Treating Neuropathic Pain with IMS
- Acupuncture in Stroke Rehabilitation
- Acupuncture Mechanisms and the Relevance to Clinical Practice
- The Need for Evaluation and Modernisation of the Theoretical Corpus of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Neuroimmunomodulation – A Scientific Foundation for an Ancient Skill
- Acupuncture for Infertility in Women
- Acupuncture in Anaesthesia
- Back Pain. Its Clinical Appraisal and Subsequent Acupuncture Treatment
- Oxytocin – a possible mediator of anti stress effects induced by Acupuncture?
- Back Pain: Update of a Meta-Analysis
ICMART Congress 2001, Berlin, Germany
- Differential Effect of Reducing and Reinforcing Acupuncture Stimulation on Cerebral Perfusion, Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
- Clinical Acupuncture Research
- Acupuncture Mechanisms for Meaningful Long-Term Effects – Reconsiderations
- Acupuncture and Pain Relief: New Concepts of Pain Generate New Hypotheses
- Anatomical and Physiological Investigations of Acupoint – Morphology and the Coupling of Meridians of the Animal
- The Basic Research in Acupuncture – and how to go on?
- Investigation into Cortical Effects of Acupuncture using fMRI: Results of a Randomized Double-Blinded Study
- Standardized Coverage of Feeling as Information on Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Gynaecologic Diseases
- Functional Anatomy of Di 4 (Hegu) and Ma 36 (Zusanli)
- Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine – Results and Conclusions of a Randomized Controlled Trial
- Acupuncture in Chronic Neck Pain: An Overview and Results of a Randomised Large Scale Trial of Acupuncture Compared with Conventional Massage and Sham Laser Acupuncture
- From Physiological Effects to Clinical Evidence
- Acupuncture in the Treatment of Active Crohn’s Disease – a Randomised Controlled Study
- Acupuncture As Viewed In Old And Most Recent Physiology and Physics Respectively
- What can we learn from Systematic Reviews of Clinical Trials of Acupuncture?
- Does Acupuncture improve conventional Orthopedic Pain Treatment in the Management of Chronic Low Back Pain (cLBP)
- Current Aspects of Treatment of Blepharospasm
- Modern Life – Modern Diseases – Traditional Therapies?
- Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture-induced Analgesia
- Prophylaxis of Postoperative Vomiting by Acupuncture
- Influence of Acupuncture on Skin Microcirculation above Tender Points in Patients with Fibromyalgia – measured by Laser-doppler Flowmetry
- Properties of Nucleus Raphe Magnus Neurons in Relation to Acupuncture Analgesia
- Electroacupuncture Effect on MEK-IR and Dyn-IR in the Spinal Cord and Peritoneal Macrophages of the Mouse
- Effect of Acupuncture Analgesia and Conventional Anesthesia on Circulation and Blood Gas Parameters during Cardiac Surgery Interventions
- Heading for Energeticallyinformative Quantum Systems of the Healing Process through Acupuncture
- Evidence for the Safety of Acupuncture
- Acupuncture Treatment Compared to Conventional Symptomatic Therapy of Occupationally Induced Allergic Rhinitis
- Why Neuraltherapy at Vein Diseases?
- Acupuncture points
- Modification of Basic Vegetative Parameters by Means of a Neuro-Reflex Acupuncture Stimulation
- Gong with Aung: ‘Early Bird’ Qi Gong Vital Energy Exercise Program
- Medical Acupuncture in Health Promotion and Prevention
- Tendency to Normalisation of Cerebrovascular Response in Migraineurs after Prophylactic Treatment with Acupuncture
- The Integration of Acupuncture in to Nonasiatic Medicine
- Amalgam Intoxication of two Children – a Case Study
- Hyposensitization of Allergies with Laser Acupuncture
- Necessity of Combining Neuraltherapy and Acupuncure
- Energetical Interpretation and Treatment of the Autoimmune Disease with Acupuncture
- Constipation and Acupuncture. Differential Diagnosis and Eventual Treatment
- The Fascination of Tradition: the Case of Acupuncture
- Efficacy of QiGong Practice: The Western-Psychotherapy Point of View
- Colorpuncture on YNSA Points
- Diagnoses made by Means of the Auriculomedicine According to Dr. Paul Nogier, Lyon
- TCM based Homeopathy
- New Analytical System for Diagnosis and Treatment
- Acupuncture and Acupressure in Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Anti-Obesicy Effect of Wulong Tea Ingestion
- Principles of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Applied to the Treatment of Some Skin Diseases
- Contemporary Acupuncture in the Olympics
- The Treatment of Hyperprolatinemia with Acupuncture – Results of a Preliminary Study
- Nocignostics – Scientific Acupuncture Diagnostics
- Phlegm – Cause of Frequent Diseases in Childhood. How to Drain the Swamp
- Meridian Diagnostic Controlled Acupuncture according to Mussat
- Moxibustion Therapy & Health Care
- Do Ear-Points have their own Ultra-Structure?
- A Study of Pain Threshold by The Ryodoraku (i.e., Meridian) Current Measurement
- Laser Photostimulation: A new Approach for Promoting Tissues Repair and Pain Control
- Acupuncture Research – Methodology
- Acupuncture and Mental Training in Paralysis due to Stroke in the Spinal Cord
- Master Points: A Critical Assessment of Functional Ear Points and Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment
- Chronic Pain Interventions: Not all Pain is the Same! Integrating Related Techniques for Maximum Clinical Response
- Physiology of Woman in the View of TCM
- Acupuncture for Recurrent Nettle-Rash
- Use of Micro-Immunetherapy in Daily Practice
- The Implications of Microsystems in modern Health Care
- Conservative Treatment of Herniated Intervertebral Disks by ECIWO Method
- Nacatani’s Ryodoraku – an easy to get Acupunture Modell for the Clinical Use every day
- Bioamine Feature of Skin in Acupuncture Points of Different Mammals
- Investigations on the Effect of Acupuncture on Affective and Sensory Components of Pain in Patients with different Stages of Chronic Pain
- Current Views on Acupuncture in ENT
- Micro-Press: a New Variant of Acupuncture Treatment
- Efficacy of Long-Term Acupuncture-Biostimulation for Lactation in Animals
- Feng-Shui – Complete Transformation of Living and Working Area
- Qigong as an extended Bodily Oriented Psychotherapy in the Complementary Treatment of Psychosis
- Character and Morphology in Health and Disease
- The Application of Computer Technology in Chinese Medicine
- QiGong – Tradition, Methods and the Position of the Chinese Medicine
- Analysis of the Results of Treatment of Alopecia Areata with Acupuncture
- Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome by means of Hand-Foot Reflex Therapy
- Holopathie: new way of a Complementary Medical Treatment Holopathie
- Dental Focus and Neural Therapy – An Approach for Acupuncture-Non Responders
- Conformity of Acupuncture Points with Trigger Points
- Chronic Lower Belly Pain of the Female Pelvis. A Structural and Functional Trial
- EAV – Electroacupuncture according to Voll – 45 Years Experience in Regulative Medicine
- Liver Clearance and EAV
- Dysmenorrhoea and Premenstrual Syndrom. TCM Diagnostics, Psychosomatics and Therapy
- Needle Acupuncture versus Laserpuncture: Synergism or Opposition
- Pain of the Pelvis – Individual Procedure within an Holistic Concept
- Consensus Analysis of Chinese Acupuncture Literature: Chinese Standard Therapy and its Consequences for the Acupuncture Curriculum
- Correlation of the Description and the Intensity of Pain in German and Chinese Acupuncture Patients: Presentation of the Newly developed Chinese Pain Perception-Scale SEScn
- TCM Tongue Diagnosis for the Treatment & Rehabilitation of Apoplexy
- The Efficacy of Acupuncture as an Adjunct Therapy for NIDDM
- New Anatomic Structure Analysis of Acupuncture Points
- Laserpuncture an Secundary Psychoorganic Syndom in Children (POS)
- The Concept of Reinforcing Method in Acupuncture Therapy and its Relationship with the Amount of Manipulation
- The Use of Acupuncture in Complex Therapy of Burn Trauma
- Vital Energy Qi in the Use of Chinese Medicine
- Influence of Acupuncture on the Performance of the Quadricepsmuscles
- Simple, Current and Practice- Relevant Methods for Testing Fields of Disturbance
- Contribution of the Auriculoacupuncture in the Treatment of Pain – Evaluation in the Antipain Center of Nantes
- Electrostiumlation and Treatment of Pain
- Acupuncture and Quantum Physics, Clinical Application by Means of a Trivector Analysing Bioresonance Medical Device (QMC)
- Acupuncture at Chronic Recurrent Urticaria
- Does Acupuncture Contribute to the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain (cLBP)
- Headache – Phenomenon of Adjustment Following Blocking Ggl. Stellatum
- Conservative Causal Therapy of Epicondylitis Humero Radialis et Laterialis (so called C6/C7-Syndrome) with Acupuncture combined with Neuraltherapy and TENS. Modified WHO-Stepscheme, combined with Acupuncture, Neuraltherapy, TENS and “Synvisc” (Synovia Sub
- Colored Light Acupuncture
- Complex Approach to the Therapy of Allergic Rhinitis by Applying the Electroacupunctural Method by R. Voll, the Bioresonance Therapy by F. Morrell and the Antihomotoxicological Therapy
- Quantum Physics, Theory of Relativity and Acupuncture
- Clinical Observations on Cervical Spondylosis (nerveroot type) treated by “Si Tian” Points Acupuncture Method
- Highly Dosed PROCAIN-BASE Infusion – a Calculated Risk ?
- The Procain-Base-Therapy
- Non-Invasive Measurement of Telomere in Normal and Cancer Tissue in Humans and the Telomere-Increasing Effect of Acupuncture on Normal Tissue and Telomere- Decreasing Effect of Acupuncture on Cancer Tissue
- Experience of Acupuncture Use in Aged Patients during Acute Period of Stroke
- How do I diagnose in TCM?
- Peripheral Palsy of N. Facialis – Acupuncture – Electromyographic Study
- Influence of Acupuncture Stimulation of Neiguan (P6) on Electrical Resistance Under Adiaphoresis
- A Holistic Therapy of Coxalgia
- West-East Divan of Medicine – Crosscultural Approach
- Born from One Spirit – The Spiritual Evidence in Medicine
- Laser Discussionforum and Workshop
- Acupuncture of functional Disorders of the First Rib
- Diagnose of Dental Fields of Disturbance by Acupuncture Principles
- Complex Study of EHFPuncture Influence in Experiment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Orthopedic Pathology
- Acupuncture in the Treatment of Chronic Vasomotor Rhinitis – a Randomised Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial
- First experience with Treating Drug Addict in Imprisonment by Acupuncture
- Immunological Indices of Patients with Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis after Acupuncture
- The Application of the “Thermo-Sodiumchlorid Therapy” with Acupuncture in Chronic Diseases, First Experiences
- Specific and Holistic Effects of Qigong-Exercise
- The Interdependent Movement of Qi and Fluids in the Triple Burner
- Treatment of Dysmenorrhoea by Acupuncture
- The Use of Acupuncture in Dentistry
- Physician Acupuncture in America: Critical Mass – Crucial Time
- The Immune System – a Major Player in Many Diseases
- Effects of Opposing-Needling on Upper Limb on Cerebral Blood Flow in Ischemic Stroke
- Acupuncture and Infrareddiagnostics
- The outreach of TCM – Concepts of Treatment in the Hospital “Klinik am Steigerwald” and the Hospital “Der Westerhof”
- Acupuncture in the Birth Assistance of the Philipps University of Marburg
- Therapy-Blockades through Environmental Factors Recognized and Minimized with the Acupuncture System
- Roots and Reality of Chinese Medicine – the Current Challenge Concerning Logic and Science in Acupunctur
- Effectiveness of Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) for the Relief of Pain of the Locomotor System – a Topometrically Controlled Study
- Effects of Laser Acupuncture on the Visual Cerebral Cortex: A functional MRI Study
- Therapy of Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction by Acupuncture
- Application of Physical Factors in Acupuncture
- Practice Guidelines in Acupuncture Treatment of Chronic Headache
- Effect of Standartised Acupuncture Treatment on Dynamics of Several Cellular Immunity Parameters in Patients Suffering from Alopecia Areata and Reccurent Herpes Simplex
- Evaluating a Newly Designed Placebo-Needle for Acupuncture Research
- Integration of TCM in High-Performance Sport; Example Ice Hockey
- Acupuncture of the Chakres and other Methods of Energetic Diagnose and Therapy
- Acupuncture Treatment of Sciatica
- Acupuncture Education in Australia – It’s Present Position and Proposed Future Direction
- Efficacy of Ear Acupuncture in Alcohol Withdrawal. A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study on Alcohol Dependence
- Comparison of the Su Jok Acupuncture with Medication by Patients with Chronic Primary Headache
- Randomised, Placebo Controlled Double-Blind Trial for Influence Pain at Cervical Tendo-Myosclerosis
- Comparison of Acupuncture and Medication in Recovery Treatment of Alcoholic Patients
- Effect of Acupuncture on Allergic Reactions
- Western Medicine and Lung – Large-Intestine Meridian: Current Research
- The Craniomandibular Dysfunction
- Acupuncture between Tradition and Information Medicine
- Discovery of Implant- Acupuncture – Consideration of Treatment
- Best-Test Diagnostics in Anomaly of Birth Activities and Su Jok Therapy as Method of Regulation
- The Comparison between the Methods having Two Electrodes and Four Electrodes as a Means of Measuring the Physiological Changes through the Electrodermal Activity of Human Body
- Clinical Observation on Treatment of Primary Hypertension with Acupuncture and Ear-Point Taping and Pressing
- Antispastic Effect of Electroacupuncture and Moxibustion in Stroke Patients
- Hypothermic Superficial Acupuncture
- Visual Diagnosis as Important Source of Information for the Identification of Organic Defects shown by the Example of the Liver
- Acupuncture in Treatment of hay Fever-associated Headache
- The Evaluation of Vegetative Status by Auricular Crioreflextest
- Acute-Treatment with One – Point-Acupuncture
- Nocignostics, Evaluation of Effect of Treatment by Acupuncture on different Pain Syndroms concerning Living Quality and Subjective Symptoms
- Acupuncture Treatment for Stump- and Phantom Pain
- Thermal imaging of the Acrale Temperature Reaction (ATR) by using different techniques of acupuncture
- Qigong Yangsheng in the Concomitant Treatment of Headache and Migraine; a Pilot Study
- Method of Spatiovectorial Acupuncture in Treating Children with Visual Disorders
- Case study on sterility treatment
- Course of Acupuncture in the University of Barcelona
- Application of YNSA System to 2 cases in dental clinic
- Is the Heart only a Pump?
- Channels in the Organism
- The Use of Acupuncture in Preparation Childbirth
- Analgesic Activity under Electroacupuncture Stimulation with Tramal and Ketoprophen Lysine Application in Odontology
- Prolonged Intermittent TENS-Acupuncture for Therapy of Reflux in ICU Patients
- The Application of the Magnetic Cup on the Open Points and Treatment of Asthma
- QiGong Yangsheng as Sufficient Therapy on Asthma
- Effects of Laser Acupuncture on the Visual Cerebral Cortex: A Functional MRI study
- Korean Hand Acupressure as a prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) in Patients after Upper Abdominal Laparascopy
- Geopathic Stress as Cause of non treatable Headache
- Computer Device System “LEDIS” for Acupuncture Diagnosis and Treatment
- Acupuncture and Breathing Exercises – Stress and Anxiety for Dental Treatment
- Treatment of Chronic Joint Pain with Millimeter Waves Applied to Acupuncture Points
- Cardioversion with Acupuncture in Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiovascular Surgury
- Make an Inquire into Train of Thought and Researching Method for Acupuncture combining with Medincine
- Meridians as a Dialectic Network
- Reflexotherapy in Parkinsonism
- Prolonged Intermittent TENS-Acupuncture for Prophylaxis of Reflux in ICU Patients
- Aung Medical Qi Gong: Introductory Video Presentation
- First Actual Visible Evidence of Acupuncture Effect Observed on Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig‘s Disease) during the Treatment and with Lasting Results
- Education in Acupuncure at the University/Clinics TU- Dresden
- Preventive Acupuncture in Sense of Evidence Based Medicine
- Analgesy with Earacupuncture
ICMART Congress 2000, Vienna, Austria
- Oral Presentation
- New anatomic structure analysis of acupuncture points
- The Pain Matrix
- Atomic physics and neurophysiology
- Overview physics to TCM
- Photobiological Basics of Low-Power-Laser-Therapy
- Acupuncture – postoperative and posttraumatic treatment
- Neural therapy in veterinary locomotor diseases
- YNSA (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture) – stroke – rehabilitation
- Postoperative pain management with acupuncture
- Pain relief due to TENS and acupuncture in amputees
- Akupunktur bei chronischem Kopfschmerz – Ergebnisse einer Langzeitbeobachtung
- An update on the use of acupuncture as an additive to the therapy of verbal and written communication disorders
- Acupuncture in neurosurgical rehabilitation
- Biological pain therapy in sports at disease of inner organs
- Misinterpretation due to chinese translation failures
- Acupuncture – with or without chinese philosophy?
- Acupuncture and emotions (Diagnostic Categories of Correspondence)
- Is nitric oxide a signal in the Qi net of information?
- The rehabilitative functions of the chinese acupuncture with Taiji Gong for the Sequela in wind stroke
- Visceral disease
- Does chong mai has a branch to the nose?
- Modern approach to differentiate diagnosis of TCM
- Harmony and Disease: The case of the chinese liver
- The Way to a Mans Heart is Through his Stomach or New Concepts for Functional Bowel Disease
- TCM Approach to total pain management: diagnostics and therapeutics
- A Critical Appraisal of Acupuncture for Respiratory Diseases
- A TCM approach to bronchial asthma: Study report of initial results
- Neuraltherapy in veterinary visceral diseases
- Gastroenterological syndroms and neural therapy
- Is there an elevated tension with the psychic or nervous system in patients with dry eyes syndrom and is the background of the effect of acupuncture because of its influence on this psychovegetativ tension? A prelimitary pilot study
- Experience and results of combinated acupuncture therapy of trigeminal neuralgia
- Inverse reactions of acupuncture in asthma
- Functional chain and neural therapy
- Innovative neuraltherapy: systemic regulation and pain treatment with basic procain therapy
- The use of acupuncture in the treatment of erectile dysfunction
- Neuraltherapy and pain management in rehabilitation – a case study
- Lack of effect of acupuncture upon signs and symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness
- Effects of the auricular acupuncture on the mild hypertension
- The use of acupuncture in complex therapy of burn trauma
- Legal status of acup. practice in USA
- Systematic review of needling for myofascial pain
- Quality Management and Clinical Research – Scientific Program of the First German TCM Hospital
- Quality management in herbal therapy
- Thermographic representation of circulatory conditions in the target area of an acupuncture point
- Credibility of a new placebo acupuncture treatment
- Acupuncture in MedLine
- Are chinese herbs safe?
- Evidence based medicine – statistical evaluation of patient data of Ludwig Boltzmann Acupuncture Institute
- Clinical reporting in acupuncture studies
- The place of distance education in the teaching of medical acupuncture
- Peculiarities of the development of acupuncture in Russia
- Zbigniew Garnuszewski – the pioneer of acupuncture in Poland
- Acupuncture in Slovakia Present and Perspectives
- An american approach to common clinical cases: neuroanatomy meets classic acupuncture energetic physiology
- Neuraltherapy
- The NADA-Concept acupuncture in drug-abuse
- Qigong Medical qi gong for physicians and health care practitioners
- Poster Session
- Microacupuncture systems as fractals of the human body
- How long to treat peripheral palsy of N. Facialis by acupuncture – electromyographic study
- Application of YNSA System to facial paralysis
- Acupuncture in migraine treatment
- New healing technology results achieved by the united benefits of acupuncture and MADU strips
- Subjective experience of acupuncture areas: the dual nature of the Yintang point (EX 1)
- Traumatic disorders of extremitety, sudek atrofy, s.M. Sudek and AK Magnets-therapy
- Treatment of osteoarthritis with light acupuncture
- TCM-spleen pathology approach, based on applied quantum/chaos physics bioresonance diagnostics
- The rehabilitative functions of the chinese acupuncture with Taiji Gong for the sequela in wind stroke
- Modern diagnostic technology applied in acupuncture
- Methodological aspects of emat.method application in children’s ophthalmology
- Effects of venesection at the sybsun-points on blood pressure and body temperature in stroke patients
- Can it be proved that acupuncture has an objectively positive stimulative or normalizing effect on the immune system?
- Objectification of the bronchodilatory effect of auriculotherapy and acupuncture
- Concept of the medical specialization field acupuncture
ICMART Congress 1999, Jurmala, Latvia
- The use of gas discharge visualisation method (GDV) to evaluate the patients’ state and estimate effectivity of a complex way of treatment, including acupuncture
- Latest development ECIWO acupuncture
- New diagnostic methods in acupuncture
- Low back pain and acupuncture – a summary
- The many levels of acupuncture
- Asthma, TCM and acupuncture
- Modifications of the distribution of substance P-like immunoreactivity in the hipotalamus of the cat after electroacupuncture
- Evidence-based acupuncture
- Acupuncture in paraplegia
- Acupuncture and malignant pain
- Functional morphology of acupuncture points and meridians
- Modern neurology and osteoreflexotherapy
- About Prof. Zbigniew Garnuszewski
- The traditional Chinese diagnosis in viewpoint of general pathological processes in humans
- Human health condition as related to the disturbance of connection of the soul and spirit with the body
- Modern concepts of periarthrytis humero-scapularis: clinical and electrophysiological researches
- The use of acupuncture in complex therapy of burn trauma
- The syndrome of deposits of immunocomplexes in the locomotoric system and the electroacupuncture by Voll (EAV)
- Can it be proved that acupuncture has an objectively positive stimulative or normalizing effect on the immune system?
- Diagnostic and treatment of disturbance fields using Auriculomedicine
- Experience and results of combinated acupuncture therapy of trigeminal neuralgia
- The mainstream of medical care in the 21st century (or “will things work out that way?”)
- The essence of Shu-xue and Mu-xue
- “Jin-Mai” system from the perspective of western medicine
- What is “Yin” and what is “Yang” Humans?
- (a) Non-Invasive Rapid Screening & Localization of Pre-cancer, Cancer, Myocardial Disease; Intractable Pain, Other Intractable Medical Problems, and Their Effective Treatment Using Selective Drug Uptake Enhancement Method (b)) Environmental Factors Contri
- Building on a rational plan of the clinical interchange between western medicine, sasang constitution medicine and oriental medicine: with the ischemic stroke patient outcomes research
- The modern concept in elaboration of the system of acupuncture diagnostics
- The use of acupuncture in dentistry (a workshop)
- The credibility of placebo procedures in acupuncture
- The method of electropuncture diagnosing in estimation of functional status of the liver
- Traditional Chinese Medicine for everyday problems
- Mechanical puncture by medical treatment of peripherical nervous system diseases
- Extremely high frequency (EHF) puncture and related technique
- Bioenergoinformatic fundamentals of acupuncture
- Experimental study of treatment of the osseous fracture with acupuncture
- Three cases of dry keratoconjunctivitis in the dog, treated with acupuncture
- The possibility of integration of TCM in clinical practice applying computer pulse diagnostics
- Vegetative disorders in children living in harmful environment from the point of view of TCM
- Informativeness of electropunctural diagnosis by Y. Nacatani in liver diseases diagnostics
ICMART Congress 1998, Miyazaki, Japan
- Signalling in the Pain Matrix
- Oral Acupuncture
- What is the Best Parameters of Electroacupuncture (EA) Stimulation for the Treatment of Pain and Drug Addiction
- Challenge to the Pain
- Variations of Pain in Experimental Pain Stimuli in the Treatment of Classical Acupuncture Versus Yamamoto’s New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)
- Clinical Investigations on the Influence of the Retch-Ing Irritation (Gag-Reflex) During Laryngoscopy via Vari-Ous Stimuli of the Triggering Point (Ren Mai 24) in the Mento-Labial Fold
- Intra-Individual Comparison of 3 Various Pre-Treatments for Reducing the Retching Irritation (Gag-Reflex) During Laryngoscopy
- The Relation Between Autonomic Nervous Innervation Patterns and the Use of Acupuncture Points in the Segmental Acupuncture
- Five Elements : Cosmic Principles in your Kitchen
- Our Experience with Complex Treatment of Epicondylitis Syndrome
- Manual Acupuncture at PC6 Reduces Hyperemesis Gravidarum – A Placebo-Controlled Randomised Crossover Study
- Yamamoto’s New Scalp Acupuncture, ECIWO Biology and a Holonomic Theory of the Healing System
- The Use of Acupuncture and Polarized Light Therapy for Treatment of Paresis in a Rear Limb of a Dog due to a Fractured Vertebra
- Clinical Application of YNSA on Small Animal Patients
- Acupuncture as a Preventive Therapy in Allergic Rhinitis
- Experience with Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture ( YNSA ) in Rehabilitation in Hungary
- Rehabilitation and Habilitation by Dry Needling and Low Level Density Laser Therapy
- Lungs, Large Intestine and Skin – Some Natural Scientific Interpretations
- Experiences of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
- Magnetic Articles Using ‘Open Points’
- Can it be proved that Acupuncture has an Objectively Positive Stimulative Or Normalizing Effect on the Immune System
- The Use of Acupuncture in Complex Therapy of Burn Trauma
- Results of Acupuncture in Patients with Hyp – and Anosmia
- Some Experience of Applying Acupuncture to Psora Patients
- Peripheral and Central Mechanisms Underlying Acupuncture-induced Antinociceptive Effects
- The Hand Acupuncture Therapy for Carico-Omo Brachial Syndrome
- Case Report of Acupuncture Treatment for Sensitive Nerve Paralysis in Lower Labial Mentum Area Caused by Tooth Extraction
ICMART Congress 1997, Nicosia, Cyprus
- The Origins of psychosomatic diseases in a few Chinese Classics
- How to place acupuncture in a neurophysiological context.What remains to be done?
- Acupuncture and modern physics
- The Chinese Spleen in scientific and psychosomatic Interpretation
- The Medical Acupuncture WebPage: information resource on the Internet
- Confidence building measures for the co-existence of classical medicine and acupuncture
- The injection with Procain into a.carotis communis
- Cerebral palsy in children – methods and results of acupuncture treatment
- A controlled, single-blinded study of acupuncture vs. sham acupuncture on epicondylopathia humeri radialis
- Immunity deficiency caused by the Chernobyl disaster and its treatment
- The use of acupuncture in complex therapy of burn trauma
- Analysis of classical ZiWuLuhu Method , the problem of the 10th day
- The use of acupuncture and tens in peripheral vascular disorders
- EClWO biology and the holomeric structure of life
- Effective ear points for neurovegetative equilibrium
- How to proof acupuncture effects – double masked study and acupuncture therapy
- Devices for EHF-Puncture
- Acupuncture as a means of promoting weight reduction and of giving up smoking
- A new version of pulse diagnostic technique & EHF – puncture on the pulse points
- The theory of Eight Origions and human body’s energy system
- Su Jok acupuncture in treating allergic diseases of skin and lungs
- Blindness – is there any influence of acupuncture?
- Combination of applying SU JOK and YUMEIHO therapy
- The sensory interaction in mechanism of acupuncture in treatment of trigger phenomenes
- Liability and asymmetry of the acupuncture points temperature as a criterion for channels state
- Vacuum therapy in Neurology
- Vacuum therapy in Obsterics
- Cessation of smoking with the help of acupuncture
- Acupuncture against urge- and mixed type incontinence among older women in Sweden
- Electrography – Method quantitative estimation electrohomeostasys the person
- High frequency ozone therapy on the base on acupuncture systematics
- Analysis of data of auricular diagnostic and therapy of 521 patients with various kinds of alopecia
- Some experience of applying acupuncture to Psora Pasients
- Pain Therapy – performed by very point technique
- Laserpuncture in patients with rheumatoids arthritis
- Trap for shell fragments: New non – invasive method for treating injured
- Application of laser acupuncture in the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis
- Adaptation effect of Acupuncture
- General diagnostic of the bronchial asthma patient state
- TCM and Family Medicine: integrated care for the 21st century
- Medical Qi Gong workshop for physicians and acupuncturists
- The TMJ vital alignment procedure in Medical Acupuncture
- Complex tinnitus treatment by Acupuncture
- The effects of auriculotherapy and dry needling on myofascial pain syndrome
- Food allergy and Electroacupuncture (EAV)
- Fractal theory and its use in acupuncture therapy
- Auricular changes in patients ill with Turner’s syndrome
- Myopuncture and auriculoacupuncture in patients with contracture
- Acupuncture for clinical pathogenetic versions of bronchial asthma
- Reaction of acupuncture channels to extremal influences
- Treatment of patients with extremities nerves damage
- The acupuncture systems of the genitals
- Acupuncture in Obstetrics
- Acupuncture for the treatment of brain infarct
- Laser therapy and immunostimulators in patients with acute orofacial infections
- Acupuncture of pathology due to exposure of «local» vibration
- Thyroid functions in patients with primary deformative osteoarthrosis and laserotherapy treatment efficiency
- Laseropuncture and intravenous in complex treatment of systemic sclerodermy and their influence on thyroid findings
- Laser puncture in the coniplex treatment of ankylosing spondylarthritis
- Electroacupuncture by Voll (EAV) and the syndrome of deposits of immunocomplexes in the locomotoric system
- Can it be proved that acupuncture has an objectively positive stimulative or normalizing effect on the immune system?
- Emap-therapy used in treatment of X-ray-induced cancer complications
- Acupuncture use to support extubation on laryngotracheitic children
- Low energy laser in the treatment of low back pain
- Acupuncture and manual therapy for treating bronchial asthma
- The acupuncture anesthesia – a biocibernetic technique
- Acupuncture & electrophotomagnitostimulation in treatment of myopia and hypermetropia
- Combination of acupuncture methods and physiotherapy in clinical practice
- Clinico – phisiological foundation of application of acupuncture and fluctuation current
- SU-JOK therapy effects according the RL-TEST data
- The display of subordination law according the RL-TEST data
- RL-TEST: A new method of acupuncture diagnostics
- The influence of acupuncture on infradian rhythm of graving for alcohol in alcoholics at the remission stage
- Headache treated with magnets on the peroneal zone of the legs
- Phantom pains of the legs respond to skin magnets on the thorax
- Low energy laser in the treatment of ulcus cruris
- Point-Foramen-Zone-Microzone-Area? (Theoretical-practical account)
- Biorhythms in acupuncture
- A new version of pulse diagnostic technique & EHF – puncture on the pulse points
- Acupuncture trigger foramma and treatment of locomotor apparatus disorders by them in combination with manual therapy
ICMART Congress 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria
- The 8 principles – one of the best TCM diagnostic – S. P. (Israel)
- Effective treatment of intrakt medical problems on accurate organ representations of the hand
- Kidneis insufficiency and the pro/lem of the longevity – Y. Tian (PR of China)
- Lasers in acupuncture – T. Kritidou (Greece)
- Laser anesthesia in early postoperative period – A. A. Degtyareva (Russia)
- Laser acupuncture application for analgesia in disc herniation patients – T. Georgieva (Bulgaria)
- Application of laser acupuncture in treating patients with progressing stenocardia – K. Yegorow, A. Katin (Belirus)
- Laser irradiation in the treatment of lateral epicondylalgy and gonantralgy in sportsmen – S. Nikolic, Z. Trojacanes, Z. Handziski, J. Trojacanes (FYR Macedonia)
- Application of laser acupuncturein come eye disorders – R. Ivanova (Bulgaria)
- Acupuncture and laser therapy of complicationsin patients following intraarterial polychemotherapy – A. Degtyareva (Russia)
- Laser acupuncture and Reynaud s phenomena – Z. Trojacanec G. Bozinoski, S. Nikolic, J. Trojacanec. Z. Hadziski (FYR Macedonia)
- Low Level laser acupuncture in dentistry – F. Mastalier (Germany)
- Stimulation treatments and dynamic exercises superior to conventional treatment modalities in tension neck syndrome – E. V. Norja, S.Y. T. Junnial (Finland)
- Microwaves in acupuncture – M. Teppone, S. Grigoryev (Russia)
- The influence of the stimulating cureents on disease treatment- E. Dervisevic (Slovenia)
- How to put acupuncture in a neurophysiological context. What remains to be done? – K. Lundsgaard (Denmark)
- Classical acupuncture treatment of patients with traumatic cerebrasthenia – R. Genova, M. Terzieva, St. Dyankov (Bulgaria)
- Acupuncture for treating the vertebral pain syndromes – Y. V. Goldblat (Russia)
- Regime moments in treatment of painful scoliosis with acupuncture and manual therapy – L.G. Zaltsman, A.T. Kachan (Russia)
- Four postsperative discus prolaps patient and auriculotherapy – M. F. Abut (Turkey)
- Some remarks on neuromorphological drounds of vaginal acupuncture – L. Malinovski, R. Umlauf, V. Malinovska, M. Artico, V.D. Andrea (Italy, Czech Republic)
- TENS, electroacupuncture and EMG in TMJ disorders preliminary report – S. Scarsella, R. Ladisa, T. Cutilli (Italy)
- Computer auriculodermography in vegetative dysfunction – E. Vasenina, O. Kuznetsova (Russia)
- Evaluation of acupuncture in an university pain unit – mwthods and results in migraine patients – T. Weinschutz (Germany)
- Migraine treated with skin magnets on acupoints GB 34 – T. Toysa (Finland)
- Parallel betwin “Zhong Fend” and cerebral-vaskular stroke – M. Coupre (France)
- Theory Yin-Yang connects the iridodiagnostics and traditional Chnese medicine – A. Kayadjiew (Bulgaria)
- The extending effect of the penetrating acupuncturetherapy on the symptom of the disease for H8 (Shao Fu) – E. P. Seonga J.J. Seung (Republic Korea)
- Analgesia in orthopedic surgery in childhood using auricular electroacupuncture stimulation – T. Georgieva (Bulgaria)
- Five cases of trigeminal neuralgia treated with acupuncture – S.G. Martoudis (Cyprus)
- Use of impulse current in complex treatment of radiation injuries of periferial nervous system – V.V. Pasov, A.A. Degtyareva, M.S. Bardychev (Russia)
- To justification of application of alternating current in acupuncture – A. Sivakov (Belarus)
- Acupuncture methods in patients with blephospasm – R. Kotseva (Bulgaria)
- Treatment of cervical spine dysfunctions by acupuncture – results of a university placebo-controlled blind group – J. Gleditch, N. Behrens, D. Irnich (Germany)
- Rehabilitation of wounded using addional therapy by acupuncture magnets – B. Nikolic, D. Mandic, J. Suvajic (FR Yugoslavia)
- Our experience with the application of acupuncture in perceptive hypacusia and tinnitus R. Umlauf (Czech Republic)
- Biomicrophoresis in treatment of vertebragenic painful syndromes of vertebral column – V. I. Bondarchuk, W. S. Goidenko, W.M. Koteneva (Russia)
- Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture in locomotive disorders – W. Maric Oehler (Germany)
- Acupuncture in universal medicine – C. G. Markopoulos (Greece)
- Acupuncture diagnosis and treatment of referred viscera-vertebral syndromes – O. Kuznetsova (Russia)
- A synopsis of neural theories touching on the action of acupuncture – M. Karavis (Greece)
- Method of Y. Nacatani as estimation of results of acupuncture – M. T. Korechkina (Russia)
- Abdominal diagnosis in occupational pathology – T. Punchev (Bulgaria)
- Effect of classical acupuncture on immunologic and neurophysiologic changes in healthy persons – D. Minchev, A. Karpelian, M. Terzieva, R. Genova (Bulgaria)
- Objectivation of acupuncture effectiveness in fibromyalgia – H.Spott, C. Jager, M. Jeschonneck, S. Franke, H. Kjuge, G. Hein (Germany)
- Acupuncture in correlation with neuro-anatomy and neuro-physiology- A. Pollmann (Germany)
- Bioenergypuncture diagnostics and therapy – V. S. Goidenko, V.I.Bondarchuk, V.M. Koteneva (Russia)
- Neurophysiologikal analysis of analgetic effect of electroacupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation – E. E. Meizerfv (Russia)
- Experimental study on the scalp acupuncture effects in the healthy persons – E. V. Lukjanuk, M. V. Koroljova, E.E. Meizerov (Russia)
- The possible increase of NMDA Receptor (N-Methyl-D-Asparate=Amino-Acids L-glutamic And L-asparate Acids) for memory formation by herbal medicines, electrical acupuncture and DHA-FP (Decoca Hexaennoic Acid – Fish Pritein) – especially the effects based on
- Methods of integrative reflexotherapy and diagnosis in pain treatment – O. I. Zagorulko (Russia)
- Dental electric hypalgesia (DEN) – H-J Weise (Germany)
- The frustane acupuncturein connection with dental problems – H. Badtke, R. Schurer (Germany)
- Odontogenic interference fields as obstacles to acupuncture treatment – S. Pohle (Germany)
- A controlled study of acupuncturetreatment fir patient suffering from hypertension – G. Hegyi, I. Pestztenlehrer (Hungary)
- On some acupuncture methods of treatment of hypertension patients – E. Kranikovska, M. Dikova (Bulgaria)
- Application of acupuncture in the complex balneotherapy of patients – D. Tupkov, V. Vlahova-Nicolova (Bulgaria)
- The use of reflexotherapy in treatment of diabetic angiopathy of lower extremities – Y. V. Korykov, A.G. Kuklin, O.I. Novohatko (Russia)
- Pain syndromes in neurology – aspects of acupuncture therapy – R. Besk (Germany)
- Dynamiecs of some immunologic, biochemical and stereometric indicators in people, suffering from bronchial asthma after acupuncture – D. Petrov, L. Georgieva (Bulgaria)
- Elektromagnetic resonance reflexotherapy – a new method for treatment of peptic ulcer discase – M. Stamboliyska, M. Atanassova, M. Georgieva
- Some peculiar problems of treatment of duodenal ulcer and intestine dyskinesia by acupuncture – A. Sivakov (Belarus)
- Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s discase from the viewpoint of reflex and and regylatory medicine – H. Becke (Germany)
- Usade of Su Jok method for tredting of duodenal ulcer – N. V. Borisova (Russia)
- To mechanism of acupuncture effect in case of urolitic disease – V.Y. Kirgizov (Russia)
- Acupuncture fo hay fever A. T. Kachan, K.P. Gamayunov (Russia)
- The effect of acupuncture on the dysmenorhea – D. Tsenov (Bulgaria)
- Delivery induction with acupuncture and elctroacupuncture in prolonged pregnancy – Z. Tsekova, B. Stambolov, A. Georgiev (Bulgaria)
- The effect of transcutanous electric nerve stimulltion (TENS) and acupuncture on gonarthrosis – I. Tekeoglu (Turkey)
- Elektropunctural diagnostics by R. Voll’s method is an effective means of early determining of energetic thyroid pathology – A. J. Katin, V. Velyviene, T. Shappo (Belorus)
- Treating gonarthrosis in period of 1988-1994 in the community of Titov Veles – V. Hadzi-Naumov (FYR Macedonia)
- Cardiomyopathy and cardiomegaly – a case reported on left ventricular hepertrophy followed by congrestive heart failure – M. Takashima (Japan)
- Hyperstimulating and drug analgesia for the treatment acute postoperative pain – V. Hristova (Bulgaria)
- Treatment of nocturnal enuresis using cryogenic therapy, acupuncture and cups – V. Velichkova (Bulgaria)
- Infant ocular disturbance treated by acupuncture in patients with optic atrophy – M.D. Pop (Romania)
- Aplikation of the classical acupuncture in patients with optic atrophy – R. Kotzeva, S. Cherninkova (Bulgaria)
- The own observationa at attempts of including acupuncture to complex treatment in psychiatry – M. Dunin, B. Tarczon (Poland)
- The influence of corporal acupuncture of points St36 on the activity production in the stomach – V. Lakusta, A. Organ, I. Cosciug, A. Licimaniuc (Moldova)
- The effect of ear acupuncture on serum – Tekeoglu (Turkey)
- A controlled trial of elektroacupuncture in opiate withdrawal – A. White (UK)
- Efficacy of Su Jok method for treating various pain syndromes – O. S. Merimskay (Russia)
- Using Su Jok therapy for treatment of uterine tumors – V.F. Kokolina, O.N. Lapteva (Russia)
- Acupuncture as method in immunotherapy – V. Pepelyaev (Belorus)
- Points of acupuncture- strange Sounezhu point outside main channels. Clinical observation of 65 cases for proliferation of breastgland and pain in breasts – X. Shi, L. Zhu (PR of China)
- Cosmetic and adaotogenic effects of complex influence on acupuncture points in neck-facial region – R.N. Karaev, A. M. Vasilenko (Russia)
- Methods of acupuncture in treating patients with atopic dermatiris – V.P. Adaskevich (Belorus)
- Dynamics of some immunological parameters in patients with herpes simplex redcidivans before and after combined treatment with acupuncture, laser and phytoprodukts – E. Iliev, K. Nikolov, L. Durmishev (Bulgaria)
- The application of acupuncture stimulation as a factor of prevention in stress and hypoxic damages in sport medicine – S.A. Radzievsky (Russia)
- Increase of sport results using elektroacupuncture and elektrostimulation – E. Enev, D. Bahchevanov (Bulgaria)
- Application of special eastern massage – mahual therapy according to Masayaki Saionji – A. Maruska (Lithuania)
- To complexity of acupuncture experimentation in aports medicine – J. Amoyel (France)
- Acupuncture, moxibustion and auriculotherapie in modern sports medicine – H. Thorer (France)
- Therapeutic exercise and distal acupuncture for treatment of pain (Bi) syndromes – I. Kurtev (Bulgaria)
- Acupuncture for treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis – M. Slavova, M. Terzieva, R. Genova (Bulgaria)
- Efficiency of elektroacupuncture stimulation in diskcogenic lumbosacral radiculitis treatment – T. Georgieva (Bulgaria)
- Results after treatment of angiospasm by acupuncture – Z. P. Holevich, V.E. Shakola (Bulgaria)
- Acupuncture in teeth extraction – V.E. Shakola, Z. P. Holevich (Bulgaria)
- A new points different from these of Vaie – A.I. Kayadjiew (Bulgaria)
- Pain treatment after larynectomia – S. Ivanov (Germany)
- Auriculodiagnostics in case of long lasting lumbosacral radiculitis – D. Tupkov (Bulgaria)
- Theory of the fractal character of the human body – E. Enev (Bulgaria)
- Standartized system of abbreviations of acupuncture&moxibustion therapy prescription – – E. Enev (Bulgaria)
- Internationational acupuncture nomenclature standarts proposal – D. Mandic, M. Markovic (FYR Yugoslavia)
- Low intensive lasers in onco-urology – A. Degtyareva (Ryssia)
- Treatment of Acne Vulgaris by classical acupuncture and pressed needles – V. Velichkova (Bulgaria)
- Headache treated with skin magnets on the legs – on the same aspect as the pain – T. Toysa (Finland)
- Application of cups in TCM – G. Lin (PR China)
- The changing line between Yin and Yang is turning point in clinical thought – J. J. Wang (PR China)
- Laser treatment in patient with low phagocyte activity and humoral immunity – I. Haydouchka, V. Velichkova (Bulgaria)
- Bioenergypunkture therapy of tobacco smoking – V. M. Koteneva, Bondarchuk, V. S. Goidenko (Russia)
- Acupuncture in the treatment of hypogalacia – Z. Tzekova (Bulgaria)
- Comparison of two acupuncture methods in combined headache – needle acupuncture v. elektroacupuncture- T. Weinschutz, U. Niederberder, S. Johnsen, J.Muller (Germany)
- Withdrawal therapy using acupuncture and related techniques – R. Umlauf (Czech Republic)
- TCM approach to to diarrhea and constipation and their eventual treatment with acupuncture – F. Beyens (Belgium)
- Acupuncture and immunity: basic and clinical aspects – J.Bossy (France)
- Microsystems in acupuncture – W. Marik Oehler, O. Nastalier, J. Gledisch (Germany)
- SU JOK acupuncture – hand and foot correspondence system – J.W. Park (Republic of Korea)
- ECIWO Acupuncture theory and practice – A. Aardal (Norway)
- Six Energies theory and it significance for the contemporary medicine T.A. Petrakova (Russia)
- Using of Su Jok therapy for treating the impaired menstrual cycle in juveniles – V. F. Kokolina, O.N. Lapteva (Russia)
- Su Jok acupuncture in clinical practice – T. Khwan (Russia)
- Application of massage, phytotherapy and oxugen foam for treating respiratory diseases after air pollution and following oxygen hunger – M. Martinova (Bulgaria)